Hailing from the blistering valley of Los Angeles and touted as rock's new generation is
Cherri Bomb, a badass female rock band who has already been taking the LA music scene by storm! Since the release of their debut album and constant shows here and there more music is on the way and who knows what else these guys have got in-store! They discuss the latest departure of their former frontwomen and playing shows on and off and plans for more music!
1. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
Miranda: Nia and Julia met each other through an ad online. Then they found me and then later on we asked Rena to join. Most recently Nia, Rena and I were trying out new guitar players and Casey Moreta just had the right chops on guitar and he can tolerate our personalities so we asked him to join!
2. Did the band's come from The Runaways hit song of the same name or did it come from a whole another source and reason?
Miranda: The name came from a book called "Cherry Bomb". It's a compilation of stories and tips about being a badass chick in the rock scene. We were all reading it at the time we were looking for a name and decided it was a good fit.
3. When the band first got their start everyone was young has everyone become adults or is the group still youngsters as far as age goes.
Nia: I think that being in music and playing shows, recording, touring the world, you get a big taste of what it feels like to be an adult. You learn how to grow up fast and deal with issues and situations that you'd deal with as a grown up. truthfully though, what fun is being in a band if you can't be a kid, too? ;)
Miranda: Yeah, it's true, when you play music, you're always a kid. But at the same time, you have to grow up really fast.
4. So tell me what happened to Julia Pierce, she is no longer in the band and she was the one who started it all. What went down?
Miranda: The three of us wanted to make music that had pop and rock influences so we could be more reachable, broaden our audience, have our music and lyrics heard. She wanted to play hard rock, so we thought it best that we all go out there and play the music we want instead of going down the road of arguing and negativity. We all took part in founding the band, but just as in any relationship, there comes a point where you have to separate and move down your own paths that will make you both happy.
Nia:Being in a band is kind of like being in a relationship. There are good times and bad times. There are agreements and fights. We just learned that we'd be better off going in different directions. Now she can go on to do what she loves, and we can progress as the band we've always wanted to be.
5. Since Julia Pierce is no longer involved with the band, what do you guys plan to do now?
Nia: We have a lot planned!!! We've started writing for our second album, which we're super excited about. This is going to be a really exciting year!
Rena: Like any changes that happen in life, we're going to move on; writing new music, planning tours and shows, and adding influences to our music that have inspired us like never before. Change is hard for many people to accept, but those fans who are in it with us for the long haul will get to experience the journey and hear a lot of new material from us.
Miranda: We also have a ton of shows planned around LA and throughout California with our new guitarist Casey. He played our last few shows with us for fun and we decided he was a perfect fit (and an amazing musician), so we asked him to join!
6. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
Miranda: We definitely get a lot of our inspiration from bands like the Foo Fighers, Paramore, My Chemical Romance and Muse. We all listen to all kinds of music, so we like to play around with different sounds until something good comes out of it.
Rena: We all have different individual tastes in music. I personally love Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Incubus, A Perfect Circle, Marilyn Manson, and, recently, Faith No More. It helps to incorporate these influences into our music to create something we all love to play.
7. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Miranda: We want to send a message of confidence and empowerment! We think it's super important that you take control of your own life and make the best out of it.
8. You guys were signed with Hollywood Records but are no longer with them what happened and are you signed or unsigned?
Rena: We are ever thankful for every opportunity Hollywood Records gave us and all the goals they helped us to achieve, but we're also looking forward to being independent for now and moving forward with a fresh start.
9. When not doing things with the band, what can you guys be seen doing?
Miranda: Eating and sleeping. Actually, we do all kinds of stuff. We write poetry, make all kinds of art, watch Vampire Diaries (we might even force Casey to watch it), read, hang out with friends, and, of course, school.
Nia: We're pretty much always doing something involving art.
Personally, I love to draw and write. Rena and I also volunteer at an animal shelter :)
Rena: I'm antisocial and don't like hanging out with anyone. I hiss at the sunlight when the blinds are opened… I enjoy watching The Vampire Diaries, as well as reading and writing poetry. I also attempt to draw but that never ends up working out too well.
10. What made you guys decide to form a band?
Miranda: We all grew up with music in our blood. We come from musical families and it was impossible to pull ourselves away from it. (Plus, I wanted to be like Gwen Stefani and Alanis.)
Rena: Because we heard the catering on tour is really good. So far, I give it two thumbs up!
11. Would you ever consider recording or shooting for a LIVE CD or DVD release later on down the line.
Miranda: Totally! It would be fun for us and another way to put our music out there.
Rena: We've got a few ideas like that in the works right now. You'll simply have to wait and see…;)
12. What can the fans expect to see from you in the future?

Rena: New music, more elaborate live shows, and more sneak attack photos from Nia on Instagram.
13. Anything else you want to say to your fans?
Miranda: Thank you so much for all your support! You have no idea how much it means to us. And don't forget to eat your veggies.
Nia: We love you all so much for your endless support. Thank you so much~ Can't wait to meet you!
Rena: Each and every one of you mean so much to us. Thank you always for the love and support!