The Explorers Club have formulated a style that brings back an era, that once was possible and once lived, a time of the 50's, 60's, with their pop California flare. That said, the band has released a song, video for "California's Callin' Ya" as well as a full-length album "Together". Founder, guitarist, and frontman Jason Brewer discusses the band's latest album, plans to play shows, and why they wanted to take this particular time period and go with it, as themselves.
1. First of all, who are you, and what do you do in the band?
Jason: I am Jason Brewer and I started the band, play guitar, sing, and write the songs (with help from collaborators from time to time).
2. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
Jason: A scene in that movie “Life Aquatic” - Bill Murray’s character is in the famous “EXPLORERS CLUB” building and you see it on a sign in the background of the scene. It sounded like a good band name.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Jason: The band has been through a lot of members so its rather hard to answer this question.
4. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Jason: Life experiences, love, sounds, classic pop songs, the ocean, all kinds of things!
5. What bands have inspired you the most?
Jason: The Beach Boys, Burt Bacharach, Phil Spector, Jimmy Webb, Abba, Weezer, Superdrag, The Beatles, Wings, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Bob Dylan, The Turtles, the Zombies, Dennis Wilson, Four Freshmen, the Ronnettes, Glen Campbell, Mark Lindsay etc.
6. When first hearing your music, the instant act that popped into my head as The Beach Boys, let alone the 1950s-1960s era, of when my parents were into that style of music, and you guys re-created that, why take this approach and time period for your guys music?
Jason: Our music is based in the pop/rock tradition of that era… it is the sound that most impacted me growing up. there used to be radio stations that played all the classics from that era and it so greatly inspired me.
7. What is it about that time period, for you that just resonates with you as individuals and as musicians? Why do you think, there aren't any other bands, going down this path? It looks like you guys MIGHT be the only act doing this type of genre, aside from the originals who started before you.
Jason: Well, I think you are right — In a way that gives us an advantage too… this type of music is very hard to accomplish well. It is very intricate and specific. When it is done correctly it can really blow people away. We have always wanted to continue in the tradition of classic pop that has influenced us and we feel like we are doing a great job so far. ;)
8. Do you see this style to make a comeback, having other acts following through or you think this time period is pretty much dead and gone for the most part, as other styles of music is more of the modern era.
Jason: I feel like this sound will never go away… if it is done right then it will always connect.
9. What's your take on "Together" as a whole?
Jason: I feel like it is our best album to date. It has a cool sound overall… blends the old with some more modern leanings in some spots and has this overwhelming vocal blend that really stands out.
10. What's the story behind the song and video for "California's Callin' Ya"?
Jason: Well the song was a little love letter to my favorite place to visit — Southern California. The video had to match the theme. I wrote it with my friend Emeen — we wanted to capture the classic California vibe and our mutual friend Casey Curry brought the visual part to life with his great video!

11. Is it important for you to paint visual pictures with the songs?
Jason: Yes sometimes — a lot of our songs can take you to a warm and sunny place with sometimes sad overtones.
12. What would be the cinematic equivalent of "Together"?
Jason: That's a good question…
13. What's your favorite song on the album right now?
Jason: "Before I’m Gone".
14. Do you play live as well? How do you promote your band and shows?
Jason: We are getting ready to play several gigs coming up at the end of June into July. We like to play live as well as use our social media to promote the band.
15. Can you describe your show, visual and musically for us?
Jason: We try our best to sing great and play all the right parts. we are more worried about the sound than the SHOW aspect really. We want to sound GREAT.
16. Tell us about your next shows and why we should be there.
Jason: You should come see us play at:
6/29 - Asheville NC Grey Eagle
6/30 - Sellersville PA Sellersville Theater
7/1 - Jersey City NJ Monty Hall
7/2 - Vintage Vinyl Fords NJ
7/2 - Rockwood Music Hall NYC
7/3 - Pro re Nata Brewery - Crozet VA
You should be there to hear GREAT harmony singing and fun music!
17. What does the rest of this year have in-store for you guys?
Jason: Hopefully a lot of success with our new album TOGETHER!
18. Do you have any last words for fans, or potential new fans?
Jason: If you want to be knocked out by great songs and exciting vocal and musical moments then pick up our new album TOGETHER at any record store or on iTunes!