The Fabulous Miss Wendy is a recording artist from Los Angeles, CA. She sings, writes her own songs, and plays lead guitar. She took the time to discuss of her fabulous musical career and upcoming plans as well.
1. Please tell us about the history of your band and how you got started.
Wendy: I am a recording artist from Los Angeles, CA. I have been singing, writing songs, and playing guitar for as long as I can remember. Gerald Casale ( the bass player of DEVO) produced my first record. I toured with Green Jello, Nashville Pussy, and Slash. I also toured for the American Troops in Iraq. I just finished my second record with Kim Fowley (who put together The Runaways).
2. How did your music career get started with only $20 to your name?
Wendy: I began by burning and printing up my own CDs and selling them. Before I had a band, I played acoustic sets at Open Mics, Coffee Houses, Clubs, and basically anywhere that would let me. I would sell the CDs after my performances. Pretty soon I was able to afford my own apartment from the money I was making selling CDs.
3. How would you describe your style? Which bands influenced your music?
Wendy: I would describe my style as Punk and Alternative Rock. My big brother Brian introduced me to a lot of old school bands that I might have not otherwise heard like Green Day, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, The Misfits, and The Cramps. One of my favorite bands of all time is Mindless Self Indulgence.
4. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Wendy: So far I have made two records each with a different lyrical theme. The theme of the first (self-titled record) is rebellion, chaos, and boys. My second record focuses on self-empowerment and partying.

5. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)
Wendy: I write all my own songs. When I write, I basically listen to the songs over and over again in my head like a broken record. When I start to feel like I'm going crazy, the song is usually done.
6. A lot of artists and musicians have turned to Kickstarter to get their albums funded and underway why did you decide to use it?
Wendy: A lot of people were telling me that I should use it. I finally cracked and decided to give it a try. I am so glad that I did. Kickstarter is one of the best things I have ever done. Artists have to be pretty self reliant these days.
7. Why did you have to write so many songs for over 100 people?
Wendy: On Kickstarter, you give set prizes for people based on how much they donate. My grand prize was that I write a song just for you. A lot of people went for that prize.
8. You got signed to Not Dead Yet Records how did this happen?
Wendy: The people at Not Dead Yet Records had been watching my career for a couple of years. They offered me a deal after I finished my new record with Kim Fowley.
9. What can fans expect from the new album?
Wendy: Some of the best songwriting I have ever done.
10. Is there any story or concept behind the “No One Can Stop Me!” title?
Wendy: Yes, I was very inspired by a quote from Ghandi, "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
11. Can you select two songs from “No One Can Stop Me!” and tell me what inspired the lyrics?
Wendy: I originally wrote "No One Can Stop Me" for Lita For of The Runaways to perform, but when Kim Fowley (who put together The Runaways and Produced the CD) told me that Lita doesn't use outside writers, I decided to perform the song instead... "Miami" is a 100% true Scene by Scene reenactment of a debauchery filled trip to Miami.
12. Kim Fowley produced “No One Can Stop Me!” what was it like working with him and having her call you a 21st century Joan Jett?
Wendy: It was amazing working with Kim. He is a great producer and I love the way the record came out. I am thrilled that he calls me the 21st century Joan Jett. I can't think of any higher honor.
13. Who did the cover art for “No One Can Stop Me!” and how much input did you have on it?
Wendy: The Cover art was done by Dean Driscol and Nanda Peterson. I told them I wanted me in the desert on the front and by the ocean on the back. They took the idea and ran with it. I love what they came up with.
14. How has the band’s sound evolved from The Fabulous Miss Wendy to “No One Can Stop Me!”?
Wendy: I have evolved a lot as an artist from the first record to the second. The songwriting is more advanced and the sound is more polished.
15. Was your songwriting and recording process any different than usual for this CD?
Wendy: When I wrote the second record. I laid in my bed for hours every morning running all the different layers of music in my head before I even got up.
16. What are your expectations for the CD?
Wendy: To make people feel happy and empowered when they listen to it.
17. Why is your band called The Fabulous Miss Wendy, what makes it so fabulous?
Wendy: I studied at The Musician's Institute in Hollywood Ca. One day I was getting up to sing in class and the teacher (Brian Hacksaw Williams) introduced me as , "The Fabulous Miss Wendy." I thought that was so cool, I decided to call my band that. He thought that was great. Then he called "The Fabulous Miss Veronica" to the stage. Turns out he called everyone that.

18. What are your upcoming tour plans?
Wendy: I will be heading out in a week on a month-long nationwide tour. The tour is called Femme-Fest and we will be rocking from Los Angeles to New York and 17 dates in between. The bands on tour are "The Fabulous Miss Wendy", "Hear Kitty Kitty", Mahi Gato, and Sara_Rae.
19. What plans do you have for the near future as a band?
Wendy: To rock and then to rock some more.
20. Any final words of wisdom?
Wendy: Never let naysayers squash your dreams. Remember, "No One Can Stop You!"
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