Watch Me Burn Interview
Los Angeles sludge thrash metallers Watch Me Burn got their start sometime in the 2000 era in which they went on to release two LP's a series of splits, and a few demo recording's their last release before their split-up in 2009 was "At The Stake" in 2007. Since then frontwomen Sawa has done her modeling gig as a Suicide Girl the remaining members Russ, Rusy, and Kevin have gone on to other activities. R.I.P. Watch Me Burn.
1. Introduce yourself, and what is the hidden symbolism behind the name?
My name is Rusty. I play drums for Watch Me Burn. I don't think there is a hidden message in our name. I will say there are a ton of ways to use our name.
2. Do you feel you are portraying a message to the masses that we can all relate to?
I am sorry but I don't think we have a message. Besides music is love. Being happy entertaining our fans and doing everything in our power to put on a good show.
3. How are the holidays treating you guys? Any New Year's Resolutions?
The holidays are always a bitch. Spending money you don't have. Seeing people you would rather not see. Watch Me Burn is getting ready to play a ton of shows for 2009.
4. What are the future plans for Watch Me Burn?
We will be releasing our 3rd full length album. Playing as many shows as possible. Trying to get some label attention.

That album took forever to finish. If anything it mad us stronger as a band. The recording process was spanned across about 8 months. First drums, then bass, then guitar and then vocals. The entire record was recorded at LMU by our good friend Christian. It was also mastered by Scott Hull from Pig Destroyer. The record is really polished. I don't think it defined us, I think it is what we were at the time. We are always growing and trying different things.
6. What is music for you? Does it bring you some new emotions or it helps you to get rid of some negative emotions?
For is a release. It helps me get rid of negative feelings I tend to hold on to. I feel like a million bucks for about 10 minutes after a set. Then I have to start moving my drums for the next band. Playing live is the greatest!
7. Why do you think the 80s has enjoyed such a huge comeback?
Everything comes back around. The next thing you know..Death Metal and Grind will be back in the spot light like it was in the early 90's. Then Watch Me Burn might have a chance for global domination...for a few months.
8. So, how would you describe your sound to a stranger in three words?
Fast, Funky & Tight
9. What was it like playing the Los Angeles Murdefest for the passed 3 years I believe. Are you going to make it a tradition?
Playing the Murderfest is the best. Kevin (Guitar) & I have been friends with Dan from Church of the 8th Day since high school. He has been a friend and a fan of Watch Me Burn since we started. He knows we can draw a good crowd and loves us as we love him. I hope we get invited back for version 5.0.
10. And finally to wrap things up, anything else you'd like to mention we haven't covered?
I would just like to thank you for this interview. I would like to tell everyone to stay tuned and watch for our 3rd release, due out in 2009. If you or someone you know does booking, please contact us through our MySpace page. Thanks for everything. See you in 2009.