Australian metal act As Angels Bleed takes the vampire as its principal point of reference, and vocalist Avelina De Moray – who is both a musician and a talented visual artist – uses her lyrics and digital illustrations to realize an alternate interpretation of the mythology that could very well create a new vampiric icon. Guitarist Von Lehmann discusses the band's debut release as well as future activity these immortal souls have in-store.
1. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
Von: Having survived the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012 and with the bands line-up finalized, As Angels Bleed really had no choice but to abandon the sanctuary of Hell’s Gate and bring their brand of symphonic vampiric metal to the stages of the world.
Joining Valhallian vocalist Avelina De Moray and shred guitarist Von Lehmann on their odyssey will be drummer extraordinaire Frank Macr & bombastic bassist Jack Savage. If you only ever do one thing between now and your “end of days”, be sure to experience the full impact of As Angels Bleed live. Your immortal soul will thank you.
The bands debut album was recorded at Hells Gate Studio in Sydney & Mixed by Mark Lewis and Eyal Levi at Audio Hammer Studios, USA (Devil Driver, Trivium & Death Angel etc), this gothic masterpiece, besides displaying thunderous drums and searing guitars, also enlists the help of guest vocalist Oliver Fogwell of Sydney Industrial Metal band Our Last Enemy, The Hells Gate symphonic Orchestra and the unholy voices of The Choir of the Dammed.

Von: Since we’re influenced by bands like Type O Negative, Within Temptation and Nightwish, our music is basically heavy, dark, gothic and melodic. Whilst we’re not trying to impress the world with the fastest guitar solos or the crazies double kick beats, we don’t mind flexing the musical muscle every now and then.
3. What made you guys decide to form a band?
Von: Having a band is really the only way we can get these songs up on to a stage. But in choosing musicians for the band we’re not just looking for hired guns. We actually want people that will contribute to the next album.
4. How did you guys come up with your band name?
Von: I really can’t remember the exact chain of events. Avelina just blurted it out one day. It’s not inspired by any movie or novel although it sounds like it should be part of a poem.
5. You released your self-titled debut how does this make you feel?
Von: Not to sound negative, but it’s good to get finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. We worked on this album for four years and in that time it was impossible to form a band or promote what we where doing. We just lived in the recording studio for the whole time, so it’s finally good to get out and play our songs to an audience. It’s the best feeling to get instant feed back from a packed house.
6. Why did you want to self-title this release?
Von: Because the band name is a bit cryptic, if we chose to call the album something just as cryptic, the two might get confused and before you know it people are calling the band “The Rookwood Vampires” or something. It just made sense to keep things simple. The next album will probably be called number 2 or maybe 2.5 haha.
7. Who designed the album artwork?
Von: Avelina dose all the band art work. She starts out with a concept which turns into a photoshoot and then finishes it off with digital drawing Photoshop.
8. Would you say that this is a concept release?
Von: It’s a concept in that all the songs are of a vampiric nature, but we’re not story telling like Queensryche or Cradle of Filth. That would be far too creatively limiting.
9. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Von: We don’t want to send any messages; our lyrics are pure gothic fantasy. If someone finds a message in our lyrics and ends up being the “Son of Sam” or Jeffery Dharma, that’s not our problem. If you hear your name being called when you play our music backwards, go see a shrink.
10. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

11. Have any new music in the works?
Von: Yes. We started writing for the new album last month. So far it looks like it going to be much heavier. We’ve been listing to a lot of Lamb of God and Cradle of Filth, so these influences will most certainly work their way into our minds, hearts, and souls for the next release.
12. Your planning out your first ever music video , what do you have in mind?
Von: Chaos and mayhem on a grand scale. Many tears will be shed and hearts will be broken. The strong will prosper and the week will wither and die. All what has come to pass will come once more. But seriously, it’s too early to say, at this stage we don’t even know what song we’ll be filming. What song do you think we should film?
13. What plans do you have for the near future as a band?
Von: We’re really just concentrating on preparation for the live shows at the moment. There shaping up to be so energetic that the whole band has had to start a fitness regime.
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