The horror rock/punk group was originally formed in 2006 as Brain Buffet and reformed in 2010 as "
The Casket Creatures". Gaining momentum in the horror music scene, with that they released their debut album "Tales From The Unknown" in 2011 which was produced by Maq Brown from The Unicorn Room in Lawrenceville GA. They are currently working on the next chapter of horror with our upcoming album "Sex, Blood and Rock N Roll". Band mates Ryan and Derek discusses this ghoulish new creation!
1. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
The Casket Creatures formed out the band Brain Buffet. Brain Buffet was a horror band was a lot of fun but was never taken seriously. We only played shows around Halloween and we never even recorded more than a couple of songs. Years later we decided to form The Casket Creatures with a similar line up with some additions (Derek Obscura and Bradley Chandler). In turn we devolved a more refined sound and style and that's where we are today!
2. How did you guys come up with your band name?
Brain Buffet was pretty much a joke name, The Casket Creatures name was though up by Jamie and it really worked for what we were doing.
3. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
They range from Blitzkid, The Misfits, Back To Zero, and Mister Monster to Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, Rob Zombie, Kiss and Motorhead.
4. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Some songs have an almost comical/campy feel to the lyrics while other ones have a dark tone that deals with ghosts and the occult.
5. Where are you in the recording process of the new album?
We recorded several of the tracks with our old drummer who we had to let go. This set us back but we are currently back on track and we only have one session left to finish the last two songs.
6. Who is producing the album? How has the producer aided the recording process?
Ty Watkins is recording the album and James Nation is mixing it. James is also the director for the music video. The combination of this talent is making us sound great haha.
7. Where are you recording the album?
In Dacula with Ty Watkins at Sloppy Thirds Studio.
8. How would you describe the overall sound of the new album?
Darker, heavier, scarier, and somehow catchier.
9. Tell me how does "Tales From The Unknown" and "Sex, Blood and Rock N Roll" differ and compare to one another? How has the band’s sound evolved from the two?
We have a new lineup and we have become a lot tighter as a band. We have really found our sound now and it shows when you compare the albums.
10. What inspired the album title? Is it a concept album?
There was a toss up between “Sex, Blood and Rock N Roll” and “Bats, Blood and Bitches”. We were going to use one for the title and write a song with the other. I had an idea for BBB musically and so we ended up with that song and just using SBRnR for the album title. I think it worked out! As for a concept album, I don’t think so. There are songs on the CD about some horror movies, murderers, necrophilia, and just some straight rock n’ roll tunes so I think the album title is definitely covered with the songs!
11. Did the band have any definitive goals they were shooting for before the recording process began for this album?
Not really, no. The only goal we had from the start was to just make an album we are all proud of!
12. Are you using any new instrumentation you've never used in the recording process before?
Nothing out of the usual! There may be a few things we add “spice” up. I know there is one song we were talking about adding some string layers under some parts to give it more of a cinematic horror movie feel. It should turn out pretty cool!
13. Was your songwriting and recording process any different than usual for this CD?
Yes this time we recorded live together as a band and the way everything is sounding is incredible.
14. When did you start writing for this album? How was the songwriting process different/similar to previous The Casket Creatures albums?
Writing for this new CD really began right after 1st one came out! We started working on a few right away and over time we have changed things around and given them new dimensions and such but the writing took off right away. Now we haven’t been writing constantly since then because our schedule last year was pretty crazy so the writing was here and there. The writing process is different and similar at the same time. Different because with Bradley and Derek they each give their own flare to it but similar because everyone is on the same page and it makes the writing process just flow smoothly.
15. Do you feel any pressure to doing this follow-up?
No not really, we just have a lot of musical ideas that we wanted to record. For us it is about making an album that we will enjoy as well as our fans.
16. Can you go into one or two tracks on the new album? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?
I think one song that will stand out is the track “Black Widow Bride”. It came about from Ryan while he was driving home from out of town and he came up with the guitar melody in his head and literally called on his way home and hummed it out over the phone. Then when he got back we all got together and once again he hummed it out and we were able to piece it together and it ends up being a stellar track! It was I guess…modern rock feel to it but very melodic and then it takes a COMPLETE twist at the end but you will just have to wait to hear that.
17. How is the vibe in the studio?
Fun! Watch out studio updates on our Youtube page to get a feel for how ridiculous we are in the studio!
18. When can we expect the new album to be released?
Late Spring, no set release date, but when we get one you will know!
19. You shot a music video recently can you tell me about the song and the video's concept?

We did a video for the song “Curse of The Mummy’s Tomb” and it was shot and directed by our friend James Nation. The song is an ass kicker for sure and just sums up waking up an evil Mummy and then all hell breaking loose! The video has that concept but we did not take the serious route of it at all. We just wanted to have fun with it so the video has a real Abbott & Costello vibe as well as some Scooby Doo elements! We all think it turned out phenomenal!
20. What are your expectations for the CD?
We honestly feel like this is The Casket Creatures masterpiece, who knows what everyone else will think. But we feel good about the content and we hope a lot of people pick it up and give it a chance. Also with the promotion from the video and the upcoming video for Bats, Blood and Bitches I think this CD will get some good attention.
21. What are your upcoming touring and show plans?
Right now prior to the album being released we just have a local hometown show booked. We always like to give back to the fans in our backyard so to say so we are really excited for it. Now after the CD is out we just hope to be playing as much as we can and where ever we can! We had an INSANE year last year and I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be tricky to top it. But I think we are all up for the challenge!
Ryan and Derek