The Suicide Ghouls are a Horror Punk act out of Columbus
Ohio and are making a name for themselves quickly. Originally formed in 2009.
they have played with great acts including The Misfits, Calabrese, Blitzkid,
Aaron Omen, Graveyard Boulevard, The Cobra Skulls, The Koffin Kats, and
Their high energy shows are one of a kind, and they always
leave their fans wanting more. As of right now the band is hard at work getting
things together for their all new album. Tyler Toxic (bass, vocals), Jimmy
(guitar, vocals), and Mike (drums, vocals, guitar), took some time to discuss
their past, present, and future activities for their all new album and what's
in store for now into the next year!
1. How did you come
Tyler- I'll try to keep this short. Hahaha. I was working on
recording some acoustic songs for a solo project I was trying to start. After
recording the acoustic stuff, Aaron (Arcade 86, the guy who filmed our video
for "I was a Teenage Frankenstein") asked if I had anything else I
wanted to record. I decided to try some horror punk stuff I was working on, but
didn't know if I'd like the way it turned out. After recording the first
versions of "Zombie Midget Stripper", "She Bytes", "My
Great Pumpkin", and "Bite Marks", I decided it wasn't just for
fun. I had to do this. I got ahold of Skankula to play guitar, and Derek to
play drums. We then did some shows and
recorded some demos. Derek had to leave due to be stretched too thin, which is
totally understandable. My brother hooked me up with Mike's phone number, and
he's been with us ever since. I
approached Jim while recording "The Fun in Funeral" for additional
guitar and vocals. After we finished
recording the album, Skankula had to leave for similar reasons to Derek's
(Skankula had a new baby, and he lived 1.5 hrs away from the rest of us, and it
was hard for him to make shows and practice twice a week). It's just been Me,
Mike and Jim since then.
2. What’s the origin
of the band’s name?
Tyler: When we first
got started, me and skankula spent a lot of time trying to think of something
that felt right. we wanted a name that was recognizable, but also a play on
itself. Originally, we were thinking "the Koopa Kids", "Gummy
Scares", or the "Scummy Bears".
The Suicide Ghouls just seemed to fit the best.
3. You have a video for the song "I Was A Teenage
Frankenstein" can you tell me about it? Does the song title have any
reference to Wednesday 13's song with a similar title of "I Walked With A
Teenage Zombie"?
Band: Hahaha... no
connection. Just a song about being a
reject in high school. as far as the
video, we wanted to pay homage to goofy b movies. Hahaha.
4. Why did you pick I Was A Teenage Frankenstein as your single?
Band: It felt like that song fit well into a campy b movie
vibe, so we chose to use it simply for video purposes.
5. Who's clever idea was it to call your album "We Put
The Fun In Funeral"?
Tyler: Mine, but only with the consent of the rest of the band.
6. In 2011 you released an EP and your debut release you
were just determined to get the spooky grooves out weren't you?
Band: Hahahaha. Well,
we released the album in May 2011. After
we released the album, we started working on some other songs. The sound and
style we had with Me, Mike, and Jim was just so energetic and aggressive, we
felt we had to release the
"Rock'n'Roll Halloween E.P." .
So we hit the studio again in the fall, and released the EP that Halloween.
7.You guys are of course a horror punk act having your songs
cover a variety of horror based content but is there something within that
environment that you haven't covered but would like to?
Band: We've pretty
much covered all the main topics, so we've been writing more real life topics
and situations, and putting a horror twist on it. And space ghosts of course
8. Do you write your own songs? Can you discuss the
songwriting process in detail.
Band: We do write our own songs. Hahaha. Basically, one of
us says, "hey guys, I got this thing I did, and we should work with
it". Then we all put our own spin on it, until we like it.
9. You've played
showcases with the likes of Calabrese,
Aaron Omen, Blitzkid, Graveyard Boulevard, The Cobra Skulls, The Koffin Kats,
Juicehead, and The Misfits would you day that these guys are your musical
influences or are there others?
Band: Any band we play with, is an influence on us. We can
always learn from every show we play and everyone we play with. As far as
musical influences, Tyler's daughter's first word, was
"misfits". Hahahaha. We take influence from any band we listen
to. We want to make sure we're not
barred by a pre-conceived notion of horror-punk. If someone who's never heard
us before, listened to all of our stuff, they'd be able to tell that we're
obviously fans of punk, metal, ska, rockabilly, jazz, and ton of other things.
10. Do you have a favorite horror movie if so which one and
Tyler: Halloween the
original. Fuck Rob Zombie's remake. It was the first horror movie I ever
watched uncut, and it holds a special place in my heart.
Mike: Army of Darkness it's so campy.
Jim: I don't watch horror movies, because they're too scary.
11. What was the inspiration for the album name We Put the
Fun in Funeral?
Tyler: I can't remember where exactly I heard it, but I
heard someone say you can't spell funeral without fun... and I loved it. We
felt it represented us perfectly, being that we are the Bruce Cambell of
horror-punk. Hahaha.
12. Since horror is your persona do you got BIG plans for
Band: We're playing a
show with our friends Phantom 13 and Robots' Revenge the Saturday after
13.What are your plans for touring?
Band: We're planning
to release our 2nd full length album this spring, and we'll be doing an East
Coast/Midwest tour throughout the spring and early summer to support it.
14.What is your favorite song to perform live?
Jim: Fear The Ripper
Mike: Lenore
Tyler: Rock'n'Roll
15. What’s the best and worst shows you’ve ever played?
Band: The best was The Misfits in 2010 the crowd was really
responsive. The worst oh god... was when the band first started, we played a
show at a mall... it was awful, they kept cutting the volume on us so we
couldn't hear what was going on, nobody knew us, and we weren't allowed to
drink. It was definitely the worst. but,
I learned a very valuable lesson. Hahahaha.
16.Do you guys have any new music in the works?

Band: Oh yeah! We're working on a new album with 17 gory
tracks! It's set for release in Spring 2013.
17. What else do you have lined up for the remainder of this
Band: We'll just be recording, playing some shows, and a whole lotta drinkin!
18. Anything else you want to add for your fans?
Band: Hi mom!