Aurora World Inc. another manufacturer and distributer of toys and for these guys gifts too. Aurora threw it out there about re-releasing the Hasbro brand My Little Pony in a more stylish and sparkly fashion, including the mane 6 ponies i.e. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. This time these plush toys were more show accurate than their previous releases. At least I thought so and surly fans could probably agree on these re-releases being a more suitable fit.
In this case Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, of
the mane 6 were sent out and into the hands of me of course. Getting these was
quite the eye catching experience, when popping them out of their boxes and bag
containments. The plush just as the previous line, have the same type of fabric
for the bodies, including the eyes, and other facial features, whereas the hair
is the main attraction source. The previous hair was molded out into the
hairstyle as opposed to this hairstyle being more real hair. Not human hair but
hair you can actually brush with a hair brush. As you would any other My Little
Pony branded toy with that type of hairstyle. Expect these one's do have an
added bonus! That being that their hair is sparkly and shines in the light and
not in the light, with it also being so colorful and bright!
Each of the mane 6 ponies for instance is really captured as
they would be in the actual TV program. The styling is precise, making it more
interesting and fun with that shiny and sparkly additions. Like for the three
out of the six received, you can tell the details are there, Rainbow Dash's
color tones, her wings, it's all there, and these ponies do stand on their own,
whether they'd be the 6.5 inch or larger 13 inch models, either one hits the
cutie mark spot on. Get it? Oh and each pony of course features their cutie
mark on just one side of the pony but it's just as detailed as possible!
Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are just as Rainbow Dash is in that they resemble
their TV counterparts just right. Making these plushies huggable, enjoyable,
and just plain old fun! Or in this case fun sized that perfect on the go

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