Heartbound says Passion, Emotion, and Motivation Come with Being Weightless

HEARTBOUND had only released two singles to your name. Since then they went on to write and record for your debut EP "Weightless", in which they take the time, energy, and pure effort to create something they can all admire and be passionate about. From then they have plans to tour for the summer time, write new tunes, and continue spreading what they do with music creation. The band got together to discuss this EP, as well as themselves, and future plans.

1.What role do you play in the band?

Cenk: I’m the lead guitarist and songwriter in the band and also do all production for live audio
engineering, recordings for pre and post-production.

Mono: I’m the rhythm guitarist, write some of the lyrics and partly do social media.

Dave: I’m the drummer of the band, do the vlogs and partly social media.

Kai: Bassist and fashion manager and partly the business man.

Johnny: Vocalist, organizer, lyrics, and also social media.

2. Why go with a name like HEARTBOUND? Does it have a meaning to it?

Music has become such an essential part of our lives, especially this project to us. We felt that we
are heart bounded to the music and this project and the name became quite obvious to us.

3. What has influenced your sound and style?

Cenk: To me all kind honestly. My taste of music is always chancing and I dig all sorts of genres.
So its really hard to tell what the main influence is while writing songs.

4. What are your songs about?

Johnny/Mono/Dave: Mostly it’s about personal experiences and things we want to achieve.

5. Do you write your own songs?

Of course!

6. How do you describe your music to people?

Cenk: Yeah that's always a pain! Like every musician thinks that their music is impossible to put in
a genre its also hard for us to specify our own tracks. But if I have to decide, I’d go for Post Hardcore / Metalcore or something like that.

7. What image do you think your music conveys?

To us it’s contrast, emotions, passion and dedication.

8. Can you tell me a little about your debut EP " Weightless"?

We think its like the start of everything! We got so excited and are even more motivated now. We
always worked hard on this project, but now we are super focused on things what we are doing.
In the beginning of this project we were trying to find our tone and now we feel like we found it.

9. What is your favorite song on the EP and why?

Cenk: I guess weightless. Just because of its contrasts in songwriting and its positive attitude in
lyrics! People always need to do what ever they think is right!

10. What can fans expect from the EP "weightless"?

If they like the EP they should come to a one of our shows to see how passionate we are and
how much we try to deliver the vibes within our concerts.

11. You will be on tour with AVIANA and AWAKE THE DREAMER going through Europe for the
summer. If you could think of one thing you would like to accomplish the most through that tour
what would that be?!

Assure range for the EP and the band would be great, but to us it’s honestly just a good experience and good vibes. That's what’s life about.

12. What have you done to prepare yourselves for the tour?

We worked on a new setlist with new songs a lot! Had lots of practice to get the best out of us for
the tour. It was really exhausting, because its always hard to manage our normal everyday routine
to this project. But we think we are more than ready for the tour and we are super excited. And we
are in love with both bands so its gonna be really cool!

13. How do you rate your live performance ability?

We’d say its very energetic and chaotic in a positive way! When we start playing the set on stage
we just lose it! Its very important to us to express our passion the music. And there is no better way
than doing it live on stage!

14. How do you promote your band and shows?

Mostly social media.

15. Can you describe your show, visually and musically for us?

Visually its very jumpy and intense! We just love to freak out on stage! Musically its very atmospheric and full with contrasts.

16. What does next year hold for you?

Well, we guess we will start working on a new EP or LP. We will stay focused and work hard on this
project and I hope we will get very good experiences from it.

17. Describe HEARTBOUND in three words.

If we think of us as a band, I would say immature, idiots and passionate. We can't stop goofing around all the time but we still are super focus and passionate in doing music!

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