1. First off, who are you and what do you do in the band?
Martin: My name is Martin and I play bass and write a whole
lot of songs as well.
2. Can you tell me the reason as to why you wanted to call
the band Hardcore Superstar? Who is this Hardcore Superstar?
Martin: There really isn't any good story to it. We saw it
in a lyric of some other Swedish band, I don't remember the name of the song
but it says "I really, really, want to be a hardcore super star!" and
we were like "yeah! That's a cool name for a band." That's what it
is, and we talked about it, really wanting to be in it, for the music. It's
like every band name, at the beginning or start it, some are really stupid
sometimes. But I think it works for us.
At the beginning when we would play the small clubs here in Sweden, the crowd
would be like "Hey, you're not hardcore! What the fuck is this!" So
we heard that a lot. But now people know we're not a hardcore band, we're just
3. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
Martin: I think, the earlier days Van Halen is a big
inspiration for us, but Quiet Riot is a band we all really love and Motley Crue
of course. Later stuff would be Guns n' Roses, growing up with the thrash metal
acts like Anthrax, Slayer, at the beginning of the 80's and the newer wave,
Iron Maidon, Judas Priest, Saxon, all those bands were heroes to us as well. So
we have a big source of inspirations, being very wide, being music with
attitude. I think the band I just told you about is the biggest inspiration,
and Kiss of course, Gene Simmons, where I wouldn't be playing bass and it was
because of him. He was the coolest person to me as a kid growing up. So those
are the bands for us.
4. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music and do
you write your own songs?
Martin: Yeah, all of the songs, one of the songs was written
with a friend, before this last album, the "Liberation" song on the
second album, we wrote with a friend and on this last album, when we started
playing together, myself, Adde the drummer of the band and Jocke the vocalist,
we started playing back in 1994, in a band called Link. At that time we had
another guitar player, this last album coming out, we wrote 3 songs with him as
well, the songs we wrote twenty years ago, we never finished them but they are
finished now. Lyric-wise it's pretty much, I have to say, we follow something
or want to write about this but it's stories about our lives with things that
have happen. We always talk in the tour bus, wanting to write about this or
that but it's about everyday life of a rock n' roll band.

Martin: As I mentioned, Adde, Jocke and I, had been in a band
before we started Hardcore Superstar with this other guitar player, and there
was this Hardcore Superstar fan who had sent me 3 old demo tapes from that
time, when I had listened to them I was like "Oh shit! We have to get the
people to listen to this someway, somehow". We wanted to do it in a more
proper way because those tapes were recorded in the rehearsal room. We used a
tape recorder at the time. But after listening we were all like "Shit this
is good" when you play and write songs you want it to come from the heart
and it's really hard to keep that drive going. We were struggling when trying
to write songs before I was sent those demos. It was clear to me that this was
how it was suppose to sound. You get all the energy from these young guys
playing like for their whole lives almost. So that was how it got started,
where we found the roots again, why aren't we doing this? With those demo tapes
we knew why we were doing this. People misunderstood that, "You're going
back to the Hardcore Superstar first release?" it's like "No this is
previous before that, like 5 years back". This album is a bit different,
it's almost like when you write it's important to develop to do what you want
to do, you want to like it yourself otherwise it won't turn out any good. When
we find out what we want to do with an album, we do it from start to finish,
and write all the songs ourselves. We don't go to the publishing office and
listen to songs, we don't do it that way. After we take our album to the record
company for them to hear they are always scared afterwards.
6. Why did you want to go and self-titled this album, after
Martin: It feels like a fresh start I would say. We have
released so many albums before and already have the self-titled album. So we
were like "what the fuck we going to name this one?" Why not
"HCSS" that's almost like a self-titled. But it feels more like a
fresh start, in sense, it sounds cliché but it feels and fits that way to us.
7. Did you get the album that you wanted or was there stuff
that you wanted to do but didn't get too?
Martin: I'm the happiest kid in town I gota say. We recorded
it in Gothenburg, Sweden, then when we brought it over to Pasadena, California to
get mixed, it really got new life. All of the small little details that are so
important, it felt like it was being mixed but like being produced as well.
It's never been like this before. I am really satisfied with the results of the
album and the mixing job and the songs are fantastic as well. It was given new
life for the songs and the album and I am really happy with it. We played it
for the touring crew, they loved it and wondered how we were going to do it live.
It is different for Hardcore Superstar but we like it and are happy with how it
turned out.
8. This album is also your tenth in your arrangement of
releases, what comes to mind when you hear that, let alone that amount, ten
Martin: It's a long time. If someone had told me this, when
we had first the album in 1998, that you will be touring the world for the next
15 years, I would have been like "yeah right". I am living the dream,
I gota say it. You spend your time, doing what you really love, traveling
around the world it's fantastic. You should be humble to it, because it could
end. But it's fantastic, if someone had told me that 15 years ago, I probably
would have thought he was out of his mind or stupid. I couldn't do anything
else, I don't know how to do anything else.
9. Did you ever see Hardcore Superstar to reach this point
and time in your musical careers?
Martin: No, you don't think about it that way. When we
released the second album we got really successful in Europe and did like 200
shows in 1 year. Then went right back into the studio then did like 200 more
shows, then studio then touring again. After that, it was like "shit"
and we weren't making any money either, everything was costing us. We were
working our asses off and we weren't making any money, this was so strange and
we were like "fuck this"! That was the only time I was like
"this is a rough life to live" but you get back home, having some
break time, then go and call the guys to get together to write some new songs. But
you never think this is going to be the rest of my life but hopefully it will.
We've been together for so long we're like a married couple, been playing since
1994 that nowadays we know each other pretty well.
10. It's been a decade, since you had been to the U.S., why
such a long time to come over?
Martin: The first and second album "Bad Sneakers and a
Piña Colada" were released in the states by Cult Records, nothing happened
with them. Then we did a small tour, where we played CBGBs in New York, before
it closed down, then played South By South West in Texas, and the Troubadour in
Los Angeles, California and those went well, but not many people showed up. The
record companies didn't want to release the records and didn't think the
American audiences wanted this type of music. Until we got Nuclear Blast
nothing happened much. We always thought we didn't have an audience in the U.S.
At our recent show in Hollywood at the Whisky A Go Go, there was like 100
people outside who couldn't get in because it sold out. But with this new album
it will be released in a better way by Sony. A compilation of the older
material of the older albums will be released as well. Perhaps we will be
spending a couple of months in the fall where we will be back in the U.S. if
you want us to come.
Martin: After this time, playing at the Whisky a Go Go in
Hollywood, California, we were all like "We gota do it, we gota do a tour,
I don't want to go home!" the audience really liked us and we felt really
welcome. It was fantastic that night, I wouldn't say scared but it's been 10
years so we wondered how it would turn out. I want to do it again really soon.
I want to go back soon!
12. You will be making rounds touring around Europe and the
U.S. again, what can we expect to see from these showcases?
Martin: We always tend to change the songs much really. We
haven't really talked much about it, since we haven't been to the U.S. so many
times that the audience hasn't had the time to see us. We should put on our
website's homepage or the Facebook page, where the fans can tell us what they
want us to play and what they want to hear. We want to do a 21-song set list.
You can choose the songs for us, that would be really cool. Our live shows, at
least our shows should be a pre-party almost, a happy time, that you should
feel good when you leave like a big party that's what we always deliver.
13. If you weren't aware your band, has been around for
almost 20 years, do you plan on doing anything when that time comes to
Martin: We have to do something big for it. There aren't
many bands that stick together for that long. I actually wanted to do a live album
and live DVD, do a big tour to follow it, we have to do something and have been
talking about it. Something has to happen with it. Not all bands stay together
for 20 years. That's important for us, I am sure we will come up with something
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