SayWeCanFly the one man act that has a dream to shine bright and forever strong. It's one man personal Braden Barrie is an acoustic/singer/song writer who has been doing his thing for a while now. Having done this for some time he has released a few singles, videos, EPs, and full-length releases as well as played shows and toured too. So much more is coming up for him that he can't contained himself! The one man act himself Branden Barrie discusses his latest release "Between The Roses", plans for playing this summer's Vans Warped Tour festival and further plans for new tunes and much more!
1. Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in SayWeCanFly, and how long the band has been together?
Braden: Well my name is Braden. SayWeCanFly is actually a solo project, it's just me and my acoustic guitar! Been rocking out since 2009.
2. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
Braden: I grew up in a small town in Ontario Canada. I was always a little scared of being stuck there so I chose to work everyday at my music and make it out. I worked at a grocery store for three years and one day decided to quit to focus completely on my art. I never graduated high school because I started touring and felt that was the only way I'd progress at what I wanted. I love the adventure of the music industry and every show I play it means more and more to me. I started posting stuff on the internet back in 2009 and since then more and more people seem to follow it and care about it which I'm super thankful for.
3. Your a one man act, why go this route and not have a band to back you up?
Braden: I've always felt so connected to solo artists and acoustic music. They are the ones who really inspired me and showed me that it's possible to do so many things on your own. I like having the freedom to make decisions and bring my vision into reality. I really love working with people on certain things though and I think the ideas of others are super valuable.
4. Where, When, why, and how did the name SayWeCanFly come into the picture?
Braden: After I started recording demos in my room I wanted to start posting them on the internet. SayWeCanFly was the first name that really stuck out in my mind so I decided that would be the name for the channel. People started associating my music with that name so I decided to keep it.
5. Why did you think that SayWeCanFly was a better suited name for your musical preferences as opposed to your real name Braden Barrie?
Braden: I like being able to project feelings or images into someone's thoughts before they ever hear the music. I knew the Myspace era was coming to a close and really enjoyed the one word band names for some reason and wanted to keep that alive.

Braden: Maybe someday when I'm old and I feel that I want to do something aside from SayWeCanFly I might release some stuff under that name but for now I think it's here to stay!
7. If you did use Braden Barrie as a namesake for another musical outlet, would you consider taking that project and the SayWeCanFly together for some showcases and or tours?
Braden: I think anything is possible, and whatever feels right at the time is bound to happen. :)
8. How about musically, would the unique style that your known for, acoustic, still take center stage if Braden Barrie did his own thing? Or would he branch out into a whole another aspect of music creating?
Braden: I feel like "Braden Barrie" would be more of a folky thing for some reason. I think it would stay separate and would be a different side of me, probably something a little more tender.
9. Why did you want to go with the acoustic genre as your genre of choice? Did you approach any of the other genres beforehand or did you already know this was the one for you?
Braden: I always knew this was what made me feel purpose. It was always the most beautiful instrument to me. My first acoustic album was "Awake" from Secondhand Serenade and that album moved me through many of my problems and depressing times. I always felt attached and safe with acoustic music so that's all I ever wanted to play.
10. Have you thought about heading into any other genre aspect with your SayWeCanFly namesake or are you happy with how things are going now?
Braden: I mess around with electronic stuff for fun sometimes, and I think at some point I'll release some of that. It would most likely happen if SayWeCanFly was between albums down the road if it does happen. I'm also pretty into hardcore music and might do something along those lines one day.
11. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
Braden: Underoath is my absolute favorite band. Aaron Gillespie is my biggest vocal influence, and a lot of times during the mixing process I bring up some of their stuff to keep in my ears. I really look up to Ed Sheeran also, because he did so much independently and can play Madison Square Garden with just an acoustic guitar. I still jam the old acoustic stuff I would listen to though like Chase Coy, The Icarus Account, Making April.. the list goes on!
12. What lyrical theme do you use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Braden: I try to write with certain colors in mind. I feel like colors represent feelings and associate us with different things. I write about red because to me it represents love and some kind of beauty, and black because I always keep in mind that the darkness does exist and I want people to remember that too. I just want to make people remember that we are all human beings and no matter who we are, we all feel the same emotions at some point in our lives. I see how many younger people seem lost and I think a lot of it is because it's harder to feel comfortable being who we are, and I always want to bring a little hope to them if I can.
13. "Between the Roses" is your sophomore release and follow-up to your debut "Heaven Is Hell". How have these releases differed, compared, and evolved from one another?

14. This release along with the rest, have all been released via the DIY approach, why go with this direction on releasing your tunes instead of the label?
Braden: When I first started releasing music on my own, the only thing I knew I could definitely do on my own was put my music on iTunes. It was the first time I realized there are usually ways to accomplish things that I used to perceive as only possible with a record label. Don't get me wrong I love a ton of record labels and think it's amazing what they do, and I never want people to think I don't support them, because I do. I just always felt a need to challenge myself to do more on my own and see how far I could get. I know other artists have done it and I know I need to at least try as hard as I can.
15. If you were to get signed, what should labels/zines/promoters know about your band? Why should they be interested in it?
Braden: I think I'd want everyone to know that I love constantly creating, and also that it's really important to me to stay connected with the people who follow me.
16. Your "Between the Roses" release also showcases your single and video choice of "Song of the Sparrow", why did you see this as a good fit for everyone to hear and see? Will you be picking out any other tunes to be made into anymore videos?
Braden: I felt that it set the tone pretty well for the rest of the album since it was always going to be the opening track. I felt it was upbeat enough for people to nod along, but slow and dark enough to maybe make people want to hear more. I felt that it was the beginning of the story of the album, and I wanted people to start where I did.
17. "Song of the Sparrow" branched out rather quickly reaching across MTV, Alternative Press, even your sophomore release hit the Billboard charts, what comes to mind when you get hit all at once like this?
Braden: Sometimes I don't know what to think. I'm so blown away by the love and care I get from people about this. I certainly could never do it without my team and the kids who are a part of SayWeCanFly. The reason I won the MTV Freshman contest was because my followers voted for me all the time. There are so many things that they help make happen and I owe a lot of it to their support. It makes me want to work harder every time a new opportunity arises.
18. Do you ever think that this much promotion for an act is a bit over doing it? Or do you think this much promotion is more of a good thing than bad thing?
Braden: I think in the world we live in, there is never too much promotion when you're on your own. I think there's a timely and efficient way to do it, but I don't think it should ever stop because there are always new people that might be into what you're doing.
19. Since you have gotten your name out there for all to see, having had released a few EPs, singles, and albums to top it off, would you consider performing any in their entirety?
Braden: I'd definitely love to do that. I always try to play a range of both old and new songs at my shows because I know some kids are into all of it, which is super cool. I'd love to have the chance to do that though.
20. Speaking of performances, you will take part in the entire run of this year's Vans Warped Tour, have you partaken in this festival before or is this the first time? If it is your first time what do you hope to achieve and expect? If it isn't, how long ago was it and how does it feel to be back at it?
Braden: I've played the Toronto date for the past two years, but nothing more until now. It's my first time doing the whole tour and it has honestly been a dream of mine for years. I just want to make memories with people and I'm most excited because I know most of my followers go to the tour and I get to play music for so many of them and meet them. I just want to make friends, have a good time and get better at what I do.

21. As far as shows and touring goes is the Vans Warped Tour, the only series of dates we will be seeing from you or do you have more plans to go out and play for the rest of this year?
Braden: I definitely have more touring in the works, and should be announcing something soon. I want to be on the road all the time.
22. What about the rest of this year, what else do you have planned that we can expect to see and hear?
Braden: I'm going to be creating some more content for the album. I'll be shooting a new music video soon and of course will always be working on new music. It's already been an exciting year and there is more to come in the next few months. I feel more attached to SayWeCanFly than I ever have and am so excited to see where it goes.
23. Anything else you'd like to say or want to add on?
Braden: I just want to say again how much I appreciate the support and love everyone has shown me. I literally could not do this without you and it means the world to me that you care about my thoughts and what I've chosen to do with my life.
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