Everto Signum - Synergy

Everto Signum has taken black metal as an advantage by throwing together elements enhancing this genre to create something they can only call elemental black metal. That of which is their EP "Synergy", filled with aggression, passion, and flare. While of course the black metal aspect is put into effect, the vocals and instrumentals work like any other black metal outfit in existence, whether it'd be Behemoth to Belphegor, Mayhem, or even Immortal, while those guys are higher ranked, these guys come close enough on the border front at least. Everything works in their advantage, they have the skills and energy that's used within the genre, that it's contagious at times, how it all collides together. Everto Signum knows what they are doing and it shows within this genre created here, building up their energy and mind set is the skills needed to continue the tradition that will be elemental in more ways than one. 

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