Ceiling Of Anver's Fabio Talks Debut EP, New Music in the Works, and the Future

Metal/Djent act Ceiling Of Anvers from Italy have released their debut EP "We All Live In Balance" and are hard at work writing material for their debut full-length release due out soon. Frontman vocalist Fabio Anvers discuses the band's debut release, plans for the full-length and future.

1. What type of band are you?

Fabio: We are a Metal/ Hardcore band with Djent influences.

2. Tell us the brief history of your band.

Fabio: We know each other since 2009, after changing name and genre twice we finally found our way as "Ceiling Of Anvers".

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Fabio: The band was born in Turin, northern Italy, where there are not many bands like us.
There are some bands related to us, distributed in Italy, not exactly the same musical genre: our dear pals in “Noise Trail Immersion” from Turin (Metal/Math), “Damned Spring Fragrantia”from Parma (Hardcore/Progressive/Math) and Lies of Nazca from Vicenza (Progressive Deathcore).

4. What is the story behind the name, Ceiling of Anvers, if there is one to tell?

Fabio: Tired to often change name we decided to spin a globe world map and stop it with a finger, the result was Anvers, an Antarctic island.The ceiling means the clouds; over Anvers.

5. Who are your musical influences?

Fabio: Certainly Volumes, Northlane and other bands like Modern Day Babylon.

6. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Fabio: In our lyrics we like to be deep as much we can about the human condition.

7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

Fabio: Of course, all of the songs were composed by the two guitarist, Simone and Emanuele. They usually write in front of a computer and record their own ideas, then we arrange the songs all togheter until we get the right outcome.Very simple.

8. You have an EP, "We All Live In Balance" , what can people expect from the new EP?

Fabio: Well.. Very difficult question. This is an EP for people who like heavy music, it's a down tune metal core mixed with nostalgic melodies. We'd like that people who listen to our EP feel it like it had came from another dimension. It's not easy to explain.

9. If you had to pick one song of the new EP to show someone to introduce them to your music, which would you pick?

Fabio: I think that "The throne and the temple" is a good one.

10. How does it feel to finally have a debut release under your belts and added to the Ceiling of Anvers name?

Fabio: We are pleased of it, but we feel like our path has just begun. We can't wait to write the next chapter of Ceiling of Anvers.

11. Why did you want an EP to be the debut release and not a full-length album?

Fabio: We just thought that we were not ready for a full-length album as a band, also our music wasn't mature enough from our point of view. We all live in balance is an experiment for us and it's getting better than we expected.

12. Off this EP was your first single "The Oracle" was that single re-released or re-recorded for this EP, or is it the precise way it was when it was first introduced?

Fabio: We decided to not re-record it because we were very pleased with the production and it fits perfectly with the rest of the EP.

13. Did you guys have any leftovers from this release that will be used for future releases or have you gone forth and written material for future purposes?

Fabio: We already have new material that is going to be part of our new full length album.

14. What do you guys have planned for the unforeseen future?

Fabio: Playing a lot of gigs to promote our EP and write an album, that's all.

15. Anything else you'd like to add or would want to say?

Fabio: First of all, a very big thank you for the interview, we appreciate it. For those who follow us: keep it up guys! Your support is the only thing that makes us go on. Thanks!

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