Atlanta Arrival Releases Charity Single Tribute to Drummer/Cancer victim Bjorn Mertz

Please take a moment and read this, think about it, and try to get involved / do something. It’s about Bjorn Mertz, the drummer of The Satellite Year and Atlanta Arrival and our brother in music. It will make you stop and think for a moment, maybe help others, inspired by his incredible creativity a passion for the music and life he loved:

"On 17th May, we had to say goodbye to our dear son, brother, uncle, friend and drummer Björn Mertz. He was a fighter and an optimist, always determined to support his beloved ones instead of burdening them with his own stroke of fate. After months of battling cancer, it seemed like a miracle when he left the hospital cancer-free at the beginning of this year – still full of enthusiasm and joy of living. He enjoyed the time with friends and family and poured all his energy into his music, his one true passion. So, after our former band The Satellite Year split up, we composed an album that was supposed to be our next project.

Björn was about to go to a health resort, so we wanted to record the songs afterwards – but as if he had had a vision, he insisted on finishing the recording of the drums before his leave. And so he did: 9 songs in only 8 hours! At this time there was no way that anybody could have known that he was already developing a number of new tumours. While his friends believed that Björn was at the health resort as planned, really he was staying at the Uniklinik Homburg, a hospital, again fighting a battle against cancer with only his family by his side – and he did fight to the last. There is no rational explanation for what had happened during the last few weeks of his life or why this even had to happen. Similarly, there are no words for the pain and grief we feel. But should pain, emptiness and misery be the only things left? He himself would not have wanted this.

Therefore, it’s the deepest wish of his family and friends that Björn’s music and with it his unique spirit live on. We finished Björn’s favorite song of the album as well as a music video and kindly ask you to donate whatever you want and can afford to give, in order to support the German Cancer Foundation".

Colliding Stars Video:

You can download a digital version of the song on our bandcamp page and also have the possibility to order the single CD version of the song (limited, only 200 CDs) for 5 € (or more if you like to donate more). All profits will be fully donated:

Donation via paypal:

If you don’t like to use paypal, you can also donate via bank transfer, immediately to the bank account of the German Cancer Foundation. Please use AK49006741 as a reference.

Bank account:
Kreissparkasse Köln
IBAN DE65 3705 0299 0000 9191 91

We, Björn’s family, friends and band, would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for each cent we are able to donate to the German Cancer Foundation in Björn’s name.

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