Pierce the Veil, who rocketed to success with their 2012 release Collide With The Sky, have been sequestered at Dan Korneff's Sonic Deris Recording Studio in New York writing and recording a brand new album due for a January 2015 release on Fearless Records.  As yet untitled, the highly-anticipated release is being produced by Korneff (A Day To Remember, Paramore) who worked with the band on Collide.

Vocalist Vic Fuentes began working on ideas as early as late last year and began writing new material in earnest this Spring.  He and the band - Mike Fuentes (drums), Tony Perry (guitar), and Jaime Preciado (bass) - started pre-production in May in their newly-renovated San Diego home studio.  In June, with 11 songs written, the band headed to New York to begin recording; nine of those songs are earmarked for the new album, and the band has written two more since.

Said Vic about the sessions, "We try to stay focused on writing and recording songs that we're happy with, that we like, songs that will be fun to play live and that our fans will want to sing along with, songs that offer a little something different, but are all still very much PTV songs."

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