A five piece group based out of Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, following in the footsteps of bands such as: Behemoth, Dissection, and Immortal, XUL have left the beaten path and set out to forge their own brand of Blackened Death Metal. Frontman vocalist Levi Meyers discusses their band's latest efforts and what types of mosh pits, headbanging, and mosh pit tactics are in their own favor.
1. What type of band are you?
Levi: We classify ourselves as Blackened Death metal. One of the awesome things about metal, is that it doesn't have strict boundaries. We write music that we are passionate about.
2. Tell us the brief history of your band.
Levi: The band started with Bill and Lowell jamming a couple songs. When Wallace and Marlow returned from traveling around Europe, the band started to take off. Levi was living in the basement where we were jamming, and really surprised us with the brutality of his death metal vocals as he was the most light hearted and funny guy we knew. We played tons of local shows for about 5 years before we recorded our debut album, and so far have had an awesome response.
3. What’s the origin of the band’s name?
Levi: “Xul” essentially means evil in ancient Sumerian. Although, to be honest, we first came across the word on the back of a Behemoth album.
4. How did you come together?
Levi: We've all known each other for a long time. When we were forming the band it just happened that our close friends were all talented musicians. It all worked out pretty easily and natural for us.
5. You guys have a unique sound, which bands would you say influence you the most?
Levi: Behemoth, Dissection, Immortal, Obscura and Watain have all had significant impact on our writing style.
6. Who writes the songs, what are they about?

7. How does it feel to have your debut release completed and out for everyone to hear?
Levi: It’s awesome. We’re stoked on all the feedback we've gotten, and its satisfying to see how many people appreciate what we've created.
8. What was the inspiration for the album name "Malignance"?
Levi: Since it was our first release, the whole idea and reason for the album was to spread the knowledge of our existence to as many people as possible. We use the word “malignance” for its literal purpose, the unstoppable spread of an evil force.
9. Tell me about the song "Mastication Of Putrescent Empyrean Remains".
Levi: When we started out, we really tried to stay away from the religious side of heavy metal (ei. Satanism). So the song was written to solidify that fact, which it explains in the name itself. It actually means ripping the rotten corpse of god to pieces and eating it.
10. The entire band has long hair so who wins when it comes to headbanging? Do you have a favorite headbanging style to do?
Levi: We all windmill when we play live. It just feels natural, and makes for a gnarly live performance.
11. How many band t-shirts including your own bands are in your personal collection?
Levi: That’s an impossible question to answer. Too many? Not enough?
12. Do you dress in black attire everyday or wear a band t-shirt with shorts, jeans, or some other type of appeal from time to time?
Levi: We wear all black all the time. Except on Labor Day.

13. What is your favorite type of mosh pit, circle pits, wall of death, or typical pushing and shoving?
Levi: Circle pits are cool when they go well. But, if a show has the right attitude and intensity, and enough alcohol, every mosh pit will be fun.
14. What are your upcoming plans for 2013?
Levi: We’re working on a new 4 song EP, and we’re going to tour as much as possible. We want 2013 to be the most productive year yet, and keep spreading the malignant, evil force that is XUL.
15. Anything else you want to say to your fans?
Levi: All shall rise upon the wings of chaos. Stay brutal! Cheers.
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