Sons Of Aeon will be releasing their self-titled debut very soon via Lifeforce Records and bandmates Tapio Vartianinen (guitars) and Pasi Pasanen (drums) discusses this all new release with us!
1. You guys have your self titled debut coming soon what can you tell me about it?
Pasi: The album was recorded during the summer 2012 in several different studios or locations. It contains songs from our first rehearsals to just before we started the recordings.
Tapio: There are 10 songs that are based on old schoolish death metal but there are plenty of influences from other styles of metal and music in general that we have listened to and fell in love with.
2. Would you say that this is a concept release?
Tapio: We didn't set out to make a concept record but when I look at the finished album I somehow see a glimpse of a concept or theme there when it comes to the lyrics, even though it was unintentional and there are 3 of us writing the lyrics. Musically the concept of this album was just to let all music come out of us with as little filtering as possible.
3. Where are you in the recording process of the new release?
Pasi: The CD/Digital download will be released January 18th worldwide. A limited vinyl release can be expected in March 11th. We haven't even really started writing anything new yet after last summer when we recorded the album. There are some riffs and ideas, but nothing more.
4. Who is producing it? How has the producer aided the recording process?
Tapio: We mainly produced it ourselves. But Antti Malinen, who mixed the album and helped us with the sounds, can be named as a co-producer as we gave the album its final touch with him. We've been working with him many times before with our other bands so he pretty much knew what we were aiming for. An amazing and professional guy.
5. Where are you recording it?
Pasi: We recorded the drums in Studio Watercastle with Arttu Sarvanne. Wille and Tapio recorded the guitars at Wille's home studio, as well as Tommi did the bass recordings at home. The vocals were recorded by Teemu Liekkala Sound & Design.
Tapio: Some guitars were recorded at a farm in the Finnish countryside where Wille grew up at. We went there to enjoy the peaceful and relaxed surroundings and it was such a good experience that we might record the next album there in its entirety. We also recorded some acoustic guitars on the front porch of my parents' summer cottage.
6. Tell me how did you get involved and signed with Lifeforce Records?
Pasi: Stefan from Lifeforce heard the demo we made in 2010 and liked it so he contacted us and soon after that we signed the deal.
7. How would you describe the overall sound of it?
Pasi: Heavy and natural. We didn't want it to sound too modern or overproduced.
Tapio: On the other hand we didn't have any need to make the album sound like it was recorded in the 80's either because well, it's 2013. But the most important thing was that the album would sound like us. That's why we didn't edit the tracks too much, we didn't want to kill the rock 'n roll groove.
8. Did the band have any definitive goals they were shooting for before the recording process began?
Pasi: To make an album that sounds as good as the band sounded at the moment, no more, no less.
Tapio: We took our time writing all the songs that we wanted to have on the album. So when we started recording them we just wanted them to sound like they sound at our rehearsal room and we chose to work with Antti Malinen because we knew he was the guy who's able to capture the feeling as it is.
9. Are you using any new instrumentation you've never used in the recording process before?
Tapio: I had for a long time dreamed of playing some acoustic guitars on my band's record and with this record I was able to fulfill this dream. We also got an idea in the middle of the night in a pub that we needed some tambourine on our record. So we went and did it and surprisingly it still sounded good the next day, so the drunken tambourine tracks stayed. Other than that, it's a pretty basic metal/rock instrumentation.
10. When did you start writing for this release?
Pasi: In 2009 when we started the band. Wolf Eyes is the first song we ever wrote and it's on the album too. Last ones were written about a month or two before we started to record the album.
Tapio: There were also a few songs that didn't make it to the album.
11. Can you go into one or two tracks on the new release? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?
Pasi: The opener 'Faceless' has a long intro with no vocals at all and a mid-tempo heavy riffs and rhythm section. Then the song changes to a faster "main part" and Tony enters with the vocals. There are some vibes from hardcore there I think. The longest song in the album as well.
Tapio: As I mentioned earlier, there are many different vibes on this album and the atmosphere can change even within one song. I was recently asked which song best defines the sound of Sons Of Aeon and I wasn't able to pick just one. I think the 10 songs on the album define our sound together.
12. How was the vibe in the studio?
Pasi: Very relaxed I think, we had no stress while recording it with our own schedule, except for the drums which were recorded in two days in a real studio.
Tapio: Yeah, Pasi was the only one who had some time limits and running studio costs. I was amazed how quickly he finished the drum tracks, he didn't even need to use all the time he was given.
13. When can we expect it to be released?
Pasi: January 18th CD/Digital and March 11th the limited vinyl.
14. What are your expectations for it?
Pasi: Well personally I've been kinda surprised about the feedback and the reviews, they've been amazingly positive. None of us has actually played this kind of music before, so there was no actual expectations for me at least. Just to get the album out.
Tapio: It means a lot to me to get this record out and to have been able to do it with these guys. Lately the reviews have started popping up and I've read at least ten of them. It's been amazing to see that people have understood what we're about. I wasn't sure how this kind of mix of different styles would find its place in the metal world but it's been pretty wild how good the reviews have been so far.
15. What type of band are you guys and what do you hope to bring to the music scene?

Pasi: We're not trying to reinvent anything, we're just combining the influences from what we love and if something new comes from that, then it is the part that is us.
16. The types of themes that your songs cover are what?
Tapio: The main theme might be believing in yourself and destroying the inner monsters and walls that are surrounding you. This is the more personal side of our lyrics, there are also some more social views and some "fuck you" attitude as well. We're all old punks after all, haha!
17. Why are you here and why is this what you want to do in life?
Pasi: I'm here because my parents decided to breed, and I thank'em for it. I live one day at a time, not thinking too much about what the future brings. Love playing and hanging out & drinking beer with band mates and friends in general.
Tapio: Well said. I'm here to live, love and learn. Why I want to play music? I just have a huge need to play and create music, I guess it's the most important channel for me to express myself. Music is the art form that most powerfully resonates with my feelings.
18. Anything else you'd like to say or add?
Pasi: Thank you for the support and have a blast in 2013!
Tapio: Cheers!
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