Hanging Garden's Toni Toivonen Hang's In There when it comes to New Interview

An idea of playing slow, doomy metal was born long ago for band mates of Hanging Garden who as many have experienced their case of dealing with line-up changes, touring circuits  albums, and much more. Now years later the band has found a solid ground to walk upon and vocalist Toni Toivonen took sometime to discuss the band's upcoming newest release "At Every Door".

1. "At Every Door" is coming soon what can you tell me about it?

Toni: It's an album containing a hearty dose of melancholic brooding, assisted by a massive dirty and heavy sound that will be sure to put the warmest of smiles down.

2. Would you say that this is a concept release?

Toni: I wouldn't go as far as to call it a concept album. I would say that it is a collection of songs that are included in a common thematic frame of reference, but it is not a seamless entity that one would call a concept album.

3. Where are you in the recording process of the new release?

Toni: It has been done for a good while, and has just been waiting for its turn to be released. We are actually already demoing the songs for the next album.

4. Who is producing it? How has the producer aided the recording process?

Toni: Well, we mostly just did what we wanted without an actual producer. We recorded the album at various locations around southern Finland all by ourselves. Jarno Hänninen of D-studio did help out a bit, though. He did the mixing and mastering as well.

5. Where did a name like HANGING GARDEN come from and mean?

Toni: Well I suppose it’s a kind of a pun. It is also a name that can be interpreted to refer to different things in a number of ways. A good name, I’d say.

6. Tell me how did you get involved and signed with Lifeforce Records?

Toni: Actually, Lifeforce contacted us a while back, but the contract business was still a bit unclear with Spikefarm, so the matter was left hanging. Meanwhile, they signed Jussi’s other band, The Chant. And when we got ourselves sorted out, we slipped into their roster too.

7. Did the band have any definitive goals they were shooting for before the recording process began?

Toni: No. That was the fun part, and what makes this album so interesting. We just did what we felt like, no holds barred. What you can hear is what came out. Hope you like it, we sure do.

8. Are you using any new instrumentation you've never used in the recording process before?

Toni: Not really. Just a bunch of heavily distorted, rough synths that are quite unlike anything on the previous albums. Playing with different guitar sounds is also playing a big part on the album.

9. When did you start writing for this release?

Toni: A couple of years back. Some of the ideas might be a lot older even.

10. Can you go into one or two tracks on the new release? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?

Toni: Well, here’s an interesting story about the track “Wormwood”, which is probably the most “different” of all the songs. Originally, it was perhaps the most straightforward metal song of them all, with a growled verse and a clean chorus and some such. But the original idea changed when our drummer Antti played around with a drum machine and came up with this eerie industrial heaviness that sounded awesome. Growled vocals didn't do the trick anymore, so we decided to go all out weird on this one. I think it paid off, and reviewers have also given positive feedback on the track.

11. How was the vibe in the studio?

Toni: We had a cabin in the woods, by the sea, a fireplace, lots of good food, sauna and whisky. I guess this answers your question?

12. When can we expect it to be released?

Toni: It will be released worldwide in the beginning of February.

13. What are your expectations for it?

Toni: We hope it will reach those inclined to like it. And of course, we hope it will get good reviews and a lot of visibility. For this we made quite an ambitious music video to boost the release. For good or worse, it will be something completely different, and you all should definitely check it out.

14. What type of band are you guys and what do you hope to bring to the music scene?

Toni: We hope to bring something new to the sound of the Doom metal scene, with a post-rock vibe and an adventurous attitude towards making music.

15. The types of themes that your songs cover are what?

Toni:It is food for thought for what might become of mankind, and it’s not very cheerful. The themes go well with the crushing melancholy of the music.

16. Why are you here and why is this what you want to do in life?

Toni: Music that is somehow meaningful to someone besides ourselves, and to convey the emotions that the creative process has invoked in us.

17. Anything else you'd like to say or add?

Toni: Not right now.

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