1. Your genre of choice is horror punk with shock rock, what is "shock rock"?
Sutter: Shock Rock to me is a term that came about when trying to explain the theatrical stage shows of early artist like Alice Cooper and Kiss. It has since then become a sub-genre including bands like W.A.S.P , King Diamond, Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie. We are merely adding that to Horror Punk. Many can argue that most Horror Punk bands can already be considered in the category.
2. The band's name is Phantom 13, for what reason?
Sutter: The name came from just writing down band names. We voted on our favorites and it came down to Phantom Limb and Stitch 13. We couldn't agree on which one to pick and someone jokingly said what about Phantom 13 and it just kinda stuck.This was long before we heard of other bands with 13's in their names. Notably Wednesday 13.
3. Can you give us the brief history of your band?
Sutter: There have been many versions of this band in all reality. We started in the early 2000's. It has evolved over the years. I had a hard time finding the right guys for the sound I was wanting to do.
Chuck Black- The current version formed in August 2009 On a vision Sutter Cain had, to put together the band he always wanted to see. We decided to to go into the recording studio with Sutter's Vision with the songs we had been writing to see what would happen. Our EP was born.
4. Tell me about your self-titled EP debut, why go with self-titling it and who did the artwork for it?
Chuck Black: Its self titled because we wanted to get our name out there. As far as the art work our friend Scott Lawhun did all the artwork.
5. You went ahead and made a limit of 250 copies available on vinyl only how come? What made vinyl so special?
Chuck Black:We sell a lot of CD's and downloads over sea's we were noticed by Contra Light Records who wanted to put out a special version of our EP with one new song to get the word out to the world.
Sutter: So by keeping it to a smaller release it becomes more of a special release. Something for the fans to collect as well.
6. What are your plans for new music?

7. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
Sutter: Everything is Horror based. Death Dealer is about the first Underworld Movie. I think mostly I write more from an overview. Telling a story more than writing from a first person view.
8. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)
Sutter: Yes we write our own songs. They start in a demo form from Chuck and I. Then we head into the studio and it's crafted with the help of our Engineers at ZombieTakeover Media Josh Palmer and Jared Collins .
9. How did you sell your CD’s/Audio Files?
Chuck Black: Through CDBaby and www.phantomthirteen.com also you can download from iTunes, Amazon MP3 also at our live shows as well!
10. Where can people gain access to your music and who you guys are if interested in checking you out?
Chuck Black: As well as the stuff listed in the last question we are on the last fm, and Spotify which are apps you can easily download on your smartphone or PC and always Facebook and Twitter.
12. What are your upcoming tour plans?
Sutter: Right now we are mostly touring regionally. We are working our way to spread out this year. We are also looking at a possible small European tour in the near future. Mostly it is better to say we are just getting started.
13. Anything else you’d like to say or promote?
Sutter: We always want to say thank you to our fans and to those who have supported us. We have big plans for this year 2013 which we call the year of the Phantom. New music, video,s and more chances to take our show on the road. We encourage people to visit our website www.phantomthirteen.com and visit our Facebook page. We thank you for the interview and appreciate the support from people like you.
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