Metalcore outfit BURIED IN LIES have been hard at work upon what will be an all new EP release. With furthering plans to release more music, play some shows elsewhere, with little to no room to stand still, keeping busy is what they want to be doing at all costs! See what else is said in our talk below.
1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
The band name was inspired by the events surrounding our vocalist Tyler’s personal experiences that transpired during 2019 to 2022. So when the band was coming together to work on the songs, we wanted something that straight off the bat basically said what the songs were about.
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
We all grew up with heavy music to some degree. But the overall thing we bonded over was Metalcore. When Tyler and Dan (who plays lead guitar) first linked up to start writing, they had a mutual love for 2000’s Metalcore, such as Killswitch Engage, All That Remains, etc… The sound of the band is also inspired by Alternative rock bands such as Nothing, Slowdive, and The Cure. All the members bring their individual influences to help mold the sound of Buried in Lies to something a little different from typical Metalcore though.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
With all the current members we actually did know each other before the band started. Andrew and Chrystian were in other local bands, and Tyler and Dylan were in a band together for years before the start of Buried in Lies. Dan was in a band that played an older style of Metal and had shared the stage in the past with Tyler and Dylan’s previous band. So we lucked out in kinda being friends or knowing each other around the local scene before coming together to make this band and have the lineup we see today.
4. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?
This one is funny, people think We’re from Denver Colorado cause we’ve been playing there semi-frequently. But We’re actually two towns over in Pueblo. We never claim we’re from Denver and when we tell people we’re from Pueblo they either go, “Where the hell is that?” or, “Oh no, I’m so sorry.” We take pride in where we come from though.
Some bands we recommend checking out is Panpsychiscm, if you’re into Death Metal with a Thrash edge, they’re your guys. Diskount Vodka, a 3 piece punk band that’s totally killing it, and of course our boys in Irah Nox, who are doing that good ole Myspace style Deathcore!
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
If we’re talking about bands that inspire us, we love Cane Hill a lot for their evolution as a band and their sound and being super inspiring for this new music we’re working on. Lots of Hardcore, Metalcore, and Shoegaze inspired the band in the start, it's always growing and changing which helps the sound evolve and keep it interesting for us.
6. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
Our songs are super personal to Tyler, lyrically speaking. They cover pretty heavy, depressive topics like growing older, people passing away, heartbreak, getting sick. The self-titled EP we released back in September of 2024 was spanning almost 5 years of events, since it took awhile to get done. Songs such as “No God cries for Me” was about being afraid of hitting 30 years old and feeling like it's too late for yourself to do anything worthwhile. Similar to how Robert Smith from The Cure felt when writing Disintegration, Tyler was feeling the same way during the process of the S//T EP, and we’re pretty proud of how emotionally vulnerable the songs are.
7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)
Usually it starts with a riff, and Dylan will just hyperfocus on it till there's a pretty solid idea of where it's going. Dan will write some leads and solos over it,and Andrew will write the drums over it. Sometimes a whole song will just appear in our Dropbox lol! It’s nice to have a solid foundation to start when it comes to songs, you have an almost finished idea instead of some crappy sounding riffs to write with. It makes it easier to do full demos with vocals, so we can also learn it for playing live before we actually do final takes. We tend to demo out the whole song before we really nail down the final takes, which translates to learning the songs for live shows so much easier in the long run.
8. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?
Currently we have our debut Self-Titled EP, and our singles, “PRESSURE”, “Last Agony” and “DEAD WEIGHT”. You can expect emotive, and vulnerable lyrics set to abrasive and ambient Metalcore. Lots of Screaming, Breakdowns that hit like a freight train, and some melodic singing for good measure.
9. Do you have any new music in the works?
Oh yeah. As we speak, we have a new EP in the works that is fully written and done in the demo stages. We’re actually about to start doing final takes here in a few weeks. We’re pretty excited for this one but we can’t give a definite timeline of when it drops yet.
10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?
Currently we’re working on our new EP, But we have some shows in Denver and Colorado Springs booked for February at the moment. We plan on playing out of state this year and doing small tours for the time being since we’re dropping new music for sure, but it’s all in the booking stage for now.
11. What plans do you have for the future as a band?
Our future plans? That's a good one. With the release of our previous EP we saw some pretty good growth, which wasn’t expected. We really wanna try to open for some national acts, and play out of Colorado this year for sure! I think the main thing for us is just staying as busy as possible with minimal down time once this new EP is released, and just hit as many new towns and states as possible.
12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?
You can check out our music on whatever streaming service you prefer. If you like CD’s or physical media, we’ll be getting more soon. We just sold out of our CD’s at our last show in December with Irah Nox which is wild to us! We have a bandcamp account where you can get our merch, or just DM us on our socials!
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