Reverya Discusses Revisiting Old Material, Releasing New Material and Lots More!


Trio act REVERYA has been actively doing their thing for a little over two years now. Releasing EP's, with a whole lot more music in the works, with much else planned ahead. Playing shows is a given, with them playing about ten shows, with another set in stone, with them then focusing on writing and adding some new flare for future elements. The band discusses their time spent, music made, and lots more.


1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

We used to go by a different name, but we concluded we needed something more original for search purposes and whatnot. We started brainstorming and our guitarist, Travis, suggested ‘To Dream,’ because I have lots of crazy dreams which I tell my band mates about all the time, they know I love dreaming. I started translating that into different languages and found that to dream in French is rever. We added the ya at the end and called it a day on that. We thought the name was cool and fit our vibe really well, and is also ironically similar to the name we went by before, Rivers, so we thought it was perfect in multiple aspects.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We don’t like to limit ourselves to one style of music, we like to incorporate everything we like for whatever occasion or vibe we’re going for. But we all love and want to play metal because we see it as an advanced style of music technically, and we think it’s very dynamic as metal is such a broad style of music with so many different sub-genres, so the possibilities are endless. There’s a lot of room for heavy and soft and everything in between. We love writing heavy breakdowns, but we also love dialing it back and making something sweet and soft. It really all depends on the concept and what we’re in the mood for or inspired by at the time.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

No, I started the project with a friend of mine, Justin from Gloomchild about 5 or 6 months prior to meeting Travis and Kaleb. They officially joined November 2022 and we’ve been going together ever since, so a little over 2 years now.

4. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

We currently live in Florida spread out around Spring Hill/Brooksville/Zephyrhills area. So I guess we’re caught in the middle living about an hour from both Tampa and Orlando. The scene is incredible here. There are so many amazing bands whom we’ve befriended over the last 2 years. Everyone is so nice and talented, and we’re all excited for everyone around us doing amazing things, and we all want to see our friends succeed. There are so many Florida bands that we love but some of our favorites are Spiritual Chaos, Gloomchild, Create Control, Cogency, Moth Bite, Spirit Leaves, Izora, and Noctus. 

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Lyrically, I like to explore dreams and the spiritual/supernatural world along with hardships and heartache in life conceptualized around all different kinds of nature. Then instrumentally, we like to get creative and match the music to the lyrical concept however we can. As far as other bands we are inspired by, there are so many, but Invent Animate, and Spiritbox are huge for all three of us.

6. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Every song has some different inspiration behind it, but the concepts are all organized by EP or album. We have our Melinoe EP that is our “sleep EP” journeying through experiences of scary sleep paralysis and wondrous, peaceful dreaming. Our latest album, “Affliction In Bloom” is our flower album. Each song on that album talks about some sort of affliction of the human existence. The song titles are significant in that each flower reflects the lyrics and instrumentals in their own way. Allium is a soft and peaceful intro slowly leading into the angry political songs, Wisteria and Pyrophyte. Forget Me Not is about an internal struggle that is a little more specific and lyrically self-explanatory. Dahlia is about heartbreak and all the feelings that come along with that, as well as some lyrics inspired by certain details of the unsolved murder. Lily, being the traditional funeral flower, transitions into the loss and grief songs, Asphodel and Magnolia. The lyrics for these songs all have specific meaning to me but I like to write in a way that can be left up to interpretation as well. 

7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

As far as the songs we have released at the moment, Allium, Dahlia, Lily and Asphodel are actually the only songs that we wrote completely on our own without collaborating with Justin, who was producing us at the time. Each song writing process has been completely different and we like it this way. We don’t stick to one song writing structure. Sometimes I have lyrics, and I want to write the music around a specific concept, or sometimes Travis will have riffs and then Kaleb will write drums to that, and I’ll have to come up with lyrics and vocals after we have a little demo. Sometimes we write for the occasion, for example we wanted to have an intro and interlude on the album, so started writing those songs with that in mind. Sometimes I’ll have a little piano piece, and we’ll build the song around that which is kind of how we started writing Dahlia. It really just depends, we enjoy the journey every time though, and even more when we have a final product no matter how hard we might struggle to get there.

8. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

I believe I’ve gone over this in answers for questions 5, 6 and 7! 😊

9. Do you have any new music in the works?

We do have a lot of music we are working on and lots planned for the future. There are two songs specifically that we are finishing up now, before we start revisiting an EP that we had started a long time ago. We are very excited for these new songs!

10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

We only started playing shows in August 2024. Between then and now, we’ve played 10 shows. We have one more booked at the moment, February 13th in Orlando at a venue called Conduit. After that we were just planning on taking a little break to focus on writing and adding some new elements to our live show. We were talking to some friends of ours about doing a little summer run, so we’re going to start looking into that which is exciting.

11. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

New music of course, more content, more shows, and working to improve and grow in all areas!

12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Our music is available on all streaming services, and you can watch our videos on YouTube. We have shirts and stickers available at all our shows, along with some new items that will be available soon. Follow us on TikTok and Instagram for all the updates, @reveryamusic. Thank you so much!

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