Metal based group, Secrets Don't Sleep are jumping upon the scene with their style of metal taking over, including their song and video choice for "Still Standing", off their debut EP "For What I'm Worth". Bandmates Billy Ramos (vocals) and Zach Szydlo (guitarist/vocalist) took the time to talk of their hit tune and EP release.
1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.
Zach: Lev and I have been in a band since we were 16. But nothing much came from them. So we started looking for other people as dedicated as us. Through mutual friends we found Billy and Sam and started jamming with them. After seeing that we worked great together, got along very well, and really had fun making music, we officially formed Secrets Don’t Sleep at the end of last year.
2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?
Zach: Lev came up with it. He was listening to the song “Shadow Moses” by Bring Me the Horizon and the line “Secrets Don’t Sleep…” stuck out to me. To him that line meant be yourself. I think it was written meaning something different but that’s how Lev interpreted it.
3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?
Zach: Lev and I are from Rockland County, NY. There used to be a scene here, but it’s pretty much dead as far as heavier music styles go. Because of that we do a lot of stuff in Jersey. There is another band in Rockland County called MASSiVE, definitely worth a listen. In New Jersey there’s a couple cool bands who really are an integral part of the scene. They are From the Depths and The Blessing of this Curse. They're some really great guys.
Billy: Well Sam and I are from Bergen County. Most of our activity and meetings take place in Rockland but we do a lot of shows in NJ. Would definitely recommend checking out our friends in The Blessing of this Curse. They're a great metalcore band from Fair Lawn, NJ and they help us out quite a bit.
4. How would you describe your style? Which bands influenced your music?
Zach: I like to think of us as a metal band. I listen to a lot of different bands and I find it hard to keep up with the labels. When I was young I listened to a ton of Trivium and Lamb of God so Im sure on some level those guys have influenced my writing.
Billy: For me as a vocalist it’s deathcore bands like Whitechapel or Rings of Saturn that influenced me developing my sound as a vocalist.
5. What's your take on "For What I'm Worth" as a whole?
Billy: The title refers to the struggle of finding out inner-worth. Every song has it's own issue that gets resolved by the time the song is over. We chose the name “For What I'm Worth” for that very reason, to help people to find out what they're really worth.
6. What's your favorite song on "For What I'm Worth" right now?
Billy: Anomaly. It hasn't been released yet but I think the whole band likes that one the most.
Zach: Agreed. “Still Standing” comes in a little harder a little sooner, so we choose that as the single, but because of that we've all heard that song so many times. Anomaly is more the most dramatic sounding track on the EP so for that reason alone I love it.
7. Can you tell us about your next set of shows/tours and why we should be there?
Zach: We are currently looking into booking a tour to go outside of the NJ/NY area but we’re still early on in the planning stage. Until that is set up we’ll still be playing shows locally.
Billy: We aren't the type of band to just stand there and play our songs. There’s a lot of energy in our music and put a lot into our live show. Whether you want to just let off some steam, go hard in the pit or even if you just want to see a show and then hang out, come check out a show. We really love every opportunity to make new fans and meet new people.

Zach: Writing new material, touring of course and hopefully some management to help us out moving forward.
Billy: Lots and lots of shows.
9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?
Zach: You can go to our Facebook page,, to stay up to date with us and check out the latest stuff we’re up to.
Billy: You can also check out our single right now over at BryanStars’ channel
10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?
Billy: Our lyrics. We spend a lot of time on them and they are deeply personal. We have a message in our music that we want people to hear and we hope fans can connect to them on some personal level.
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