Consider Me Dead's Studio Progress with Debut Release

Pop electronic modern day rockers Consider Me Dead have exploded onto the music scene as one of the most talked about bands around. Now that they have released some material in the forms of EPs and are in the process of releasing their debut full-length via Standby Records there is no stopping these guys. In fact the entire act got together to discuss how the debut album is coming along and what the future holds.

1. Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Consider Me Dead, and how long the band has been together.

All: Members of Consider Me Dead consist of Brandon Pettitt (vocals), Chris Brewington (vocals) and Kevin McGuire (drums)

2. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there?Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Brandon: We are based out of Phoenix, Arizona. The music scene in Phoenix is huge, although our genre isn't as popular so we mainly play out of state.

3. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

Chris: Our name doesn't really have any significance to our band or sound in general, it was simply a name we came up with in less serious bands and it stuck.

4. What type of band are you?

Kevin: We consider ourselves electronic/pop/rock. It isn't easily fit into "genres" you just have to listen for yourself.

5. Tell us the brief history of your band.

Brandon: We have all been good friends since middle school. All three of us have been in the same band since we started playing music, and inspired each other to start each band. Consider Me Dead was the first band we have all taken seriously.

6. Who are your musical influences?

Chris: our musical influences come from every genre and every artist, it's hard to pick just a few. From anything like Top 40 pop, to post-hardcore, to R&B. Each has its strong points so we like to put together the best of each.

7. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Kevin: We enjoy writing about anything that we can relate to. We have songs about struggle, partying, love, sex, and any other emotion you can feel or invoke.

8. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

Brandon: The writing process of our songs are similar to every other band, we go into the studio with our drafts of the songs and rewrite them with the producer. Songs, concepts, lyrics are written before the studio and in the studio as well.

9. It took you guys 2 EPs to get to this point of writing and recording for your full-length debut why such the long wait?

Chris: Up until this point, we have been a completely self sufficient band, funding everything we have accomplished ourselves. We have recently signed to Standby Records and finally have the financial push we needed.

10. Where are you in the recording process of the new album?

Kevin: We are currently in production of the album, finishing songs every few days. We have a couple more weeks in the studio until the album is finished.

11. How is the vibe in the studio?

Brandon: The vibe in the studio couldn't be better! We were pared with some amazing musicians, and are becoming great friends in the process.

12. Who is producing the album? How has the producer aided the recording process?

Chris: We are working with Nick Morzov and Nick Matthews. They aid in the production of the instrumentation and vocal work.

13. Where are you recording the album?

Kevin: We are recording in North Hollywood at Nick Morzov's Production Studio.

14. What label will be releasing the album?

Brandon: We will be releasing through Standby Records.

15. How have these EPs differed, compared, and evolved onto this full-length release?

Chris: The progression in this album shines through hard. We are evolving into something new along with keeping our original sound. The whole album is incredible.

16. What title did you decide on?

Kevin: We have not yet decided on a title, it will come in due time.

17. Will this be a concept album?

Brandon: No.

18. How would you describe the overall sound of the new album?

Chris: The overall sound of the new album is darker than our previous releases. And have taken a stronger hold on vocals. You can expect a dark, dancy, and lyrically deep album.

19. Did the band have any definitive goals they were shooting for before the recording process began for this album?

Kevin: We had a few goals that we wanted to do with our previous releases such as music videos and more touring. Once signed to Standby they gave us a different direction and here we are today.

20. Are you using any new instrumentation you've never used in the recording process before?

Brandon: We actually are using a lot of different instrumentation, you could say we are becoming more "organic" using different synthesizers and plug-ins than we used in the past.

21. When did you start writing for this album? How was the songwriting process different/similar to previous Consider Me Dead albums?

Chris: As a proactive band you start writing for your new album the day the previous one is finished. There hasn't been many differences in our pre-production from our other releases.

22. The EPs were a sizable critical success. Did you feel any pressure to follow those up?

Kevin: Of course! We are constantly trying to better ourselves as musicians and people so we had to ensure this album was better than anything else. After the first song was completed we feel confident that we had surpassed our previous EPs.

23. Are there any surprises on the album?

Brandon: I think the album as a whole will be a surprise, it is truly a step up from anything we have done.

24. Are there any collaborations on the album?

Chris: Maybe..... ;)

25. Can you go into one or two tracks on the new album? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?

Kevin: I believe it was the first song we started with Nick Morzov and Nick Matthews that was titled "Like Thunder". The song is very strong and somewhat emotional, it portrays the struggles of artists. The track has deep verses, hard hitting emotional choruses and a dance bridge.

26. When can we expect the new album to be released?

Brandon: The albums release date has not yet been set in stone. We are shooting for later this year.

27. What can the fans expect to see from you in the future?

Chris: Fans can expect to see a lot of Consider Me Dead in the future, whether it be the release of this album, touring,  and interviews.

28. Anything you’d like to say to your fans?

All: We can't say enough to our fans or better yet, our family. They are absolutely AMAZING. You are all the reason we do what we do. We can't ever thank you enough and that comes from the bottom of our hearts. A band is NOTHING without their fans, and our band is nothing with out our family. We love you #TeamCMD

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