Ghost Town Gets Signed To Fueled By Ramen

We would like to welcome Los Angeles band, Ghost Town, to the Fueled By Ramen family! Ghost Town came into our office earlier this year and we got a glimpse of this great band with an acoustic performance that blew us away.

Who is Ghost Town? They are huge drums (MannYtheDrummeR), funky guitar riffs (Alix Monster), unique vocals (Kevin Ghost), and futuristic electronics (Evan Pearce). Combined with amazing artwork from Alistar Dippner, aka imamachinst, who brings each of Ghost Town's songs to life with his shocking visuals.

Fueled By Ramen is also excited to join alongside Ghost Town's army of 'Ghosts' who have been with this band from the beginning. The first thing we want you to do is go see Ghost Town's energy live! The band will embark on their first-ever nationwide tour this month with Marianas Trench and Air Dubai. You can watch the band's big announcement video HERE and click HERE to see a complete list of dates!

Be sure to help us give Ghost Town a warm welcome to the FBR family by connecting with the band on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube!

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