Sleeping With Sirens - Feel

Sleeping With Siren's was and still is one of those talked about bands that everyone knows or has at least heard of in some way, point, form, shape, etc. "With Ears To See and Eyes To Hear" being the debut this is what drew me into the band and brought forth a fresh new style and sound to the already growing post-hardcore scene. That's not where the band left their mark though while that release was the thing in 2010 the following year in 2011 saw it's follow-up "Let's Cheers To This" that never crossed paths with me but now that album number three is upon us entitled "Feel" this third full-length is a fresh reboot to what Sleeping With Sirens first was all about.

"Congratulations", "Free Now", "Feel", and "Alone", were all  one's released so after listening in to these selections you get the sense and feel of what the rest of the album is going to likely to be and in the end it is still quite a refreshing style and sound taking you back to how things were. The guitars, drums, bass, and of course vocals are all done in check with one another, vocals sounding superb in every fashionable way possible. These guys have released a record that sets the mood to how they once were bringing in something new yet it stays fresh each time you hear it.

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