WeCreate has No Boundaries!

Hardcore metal act WeCreate from Zagreb, Croatia formed in 2011, during this time an EP called "Get Out Alive" was recorded in mid-2011 then sometime later all of their hard work paid off with their debut full-length "Of Human Boundaries", now who knows what else these guys have in store, but they did take the time to discuss their debut release and more!

1. What type of band are you?

We are a five piece band, and the music that we create can be categorized as progressive metal with the elements of hardcore and deathcore. It also goes into saying that we are best friends and are always together.

2. Tell us the brief history of your band.

"WeCreate" is a Croatian metal band from Zagreb. Founded in early 2011 by Borna Šincek (bass) and Luka Dobrovic (Guitar). After several changes of members, the band joined Tomislav Jeffrey Jemric (drums), Daniel Kirin (vocals) and Matko Vukman (guitar).

After completing several concerts, in mid 2011, the band recorded their first EP, titled "Get Out Alive" in cooperation with "Subscalar Studios." Shortly after the band decided to do concerts and write the new album simultaneously. They had a lot of shows, in and out of Zagreb. In May 2012., WeCreate performed at the Croatian music festival (HGF), where they have been declared as the most perspective hardcore/metal band in Croatia. On October 19, 2012 we had gone to our first concert outside of the Croatian borders at the club Mikk in Slovenia.

In early November 2012. year, WeCreate started recording their first album called "Of Human Boundaries."
The album contains 8 songs, which one song (Lies) was recorded in collaboration with Mark Kutlic.
The whole album was recorded by themselves. Guitars were recorded on the "Line 6 HD Pro", bass on "Line 6 POD X3 Live", and the drums were recorded on electronic drums and programmed through "Steven Slate 4.0".

On March 17 of 2013, the video for the song "Our Own Reality Pt.2" was filmed in cooperation with "Fidelis Studio", and will be released in May 2013.

3. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Our songs say a lot but ourselves, what we want to achieve, a higher level of who we are, but in the end we always come back to the beginning of the circle, the circle we like to call life.

4.Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

Yes, we write our own songs, I think that the song writing is similar with every other band. How it works is that we'll meet at rehearsal then someone will have an idea, we listen to it, elaborate, record it, then elaborate all over again until it's something we all like.

5. Who are your musical influences?

Daniel (Emmure, Despised Icon, All Shall Perish)

Britton (Chelsea Grin, Of Mice And Men, Blessthefall)

Matt (Thret Signal, As I Lay Dying, August Burns Red)

Luke (Threat Signal, I The Breather, Soilwork)

Jeffrey (Dream Theater, Asking Alexandria, Periphery)

6. Tell me about your album "Of Human Boundaries" what does the title mean and is this a concept release.

At the beginning, the band was called "Of Human Boundaries" but when Jeffrey came up with the idea of "WeCreate" we decided on that, so then we went with calling our first album "Of Human Boundaries". The name itself tells about us and our borders that we reach out towards and we're all well aware of it.

7. How would you describe the overall sound of this album?

As I said before, our music is all digital, we like the heavy sound of the guitars, bass, and drums, which were programmed through Steven Slate 4.0 because to us it's the best sounding for our drums and our tastes.

8. What would you say is your favorite track off it?

Our favorite track on the album is "Our Own Reality Pt. 2" because currently, that song is our masterpiece.

9. Did the band have any definitive goals they were shooting for before the recording process began for this album?

Yes, we wanted to show everyone what can we do by working and recording by ourselves so we could sign for a label and these goals are still not changing. Although we are from Croatia, and as the metal scene in Croatia is poor, we want to show the world what can we do by ourselves.

10. Are you using any new instrumentation you've never used in the recording process before?

No, we used guitars, drums, bass guitar, and vocals of course.

11. When did you start writing for this album? How was the songwriting process different/similar to previous WeCreate releases?

We started working on our album "Of Human Boundaries" at the end of the 2011.

12.Can you go into one or two tracks on the new album? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?

The song "Lies" is where we get the inspiration.

13. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

You can listen to our music on Youtube and Soundcloud but our merch page is still under construction.

14. What plans do you have for the near future as a band?

We are about to go on our first Europe tour in September 2013 and also have started writing some new material.

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