German melodic death metallers Farewell To Arms released debut full-length "Perceptions" and have got more music coming as well as some upcoming showcases plus more!
1. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
We´re from the south of Bavaria/Germany. Since 2010 we´re in this constellation. From that day on then we have played a lot of shows among others at the Summer Breeze 2011. After that a lot of things happen to us. The signing with Massacre Records, a tour through Germany with our friends in The Sorrow and so on.
2. What type of band are you guys and where is the band from?
We are a 5-headed metal combo from Bavaria/Germany that consists of;
Manu - Drums
Domme - Vocals
Johnny - Guitar
Gordi - Guitar
Roley - Bass
3. How would you describe the music scene where your from and would you recommend any bands from there?
The music scene here is really awesome. We've got great locations here, a better audience and so much great bands. if would list them all here it would take too long. But here are a few of them:

4. "Perceptions" is out - what has the fans and the media had to say about it?
It was a blast to read all those great reviews e.g. from the METAL HAMMER or the LEGACY MAGAZINE but what really blew off our minds was if someone you have never met before told you
that "PERCEPTIONS" has inspirited him, only that he likes it or that it fucked his brain out of his fucking head. ;)
5. What can you tell me about this release and what sets it apart from other albums and bands out there.
We think we already do sound unique and are not one of those standard "verse-breakdown-chorus-breakdown-verse-chorus-end" bands. We hope that if you listen to our music you'll think: yeah, that sounds like F2A. If this will happen, we did our job well.
6. Do you have any new music in the works?
We´re not in the songwriting process, yet. But we´re always working on new stuff. It´s what a musician love, being creative, isn´t it?
7. You shot a video for the song Scarless, can you tell me about the song and the video's concept?
"Perceptions" is about the value of one individual life. Imagine you're standing in front of the gates of heaven and want to know what you would get offered in exchange for your life. Imagine your life is put in a scale. What's on the other side to balance it? That's the main question “Perceptions” is about and everybody has other answers to it. So, there are tons of “Perceptions" to this topic. Scarless is about standing at the edge of mania, one step before giving up your hopes and dreams. It´s about the last thoughts you´ll ever have. with those two concepts related to our cover artwork (by Azrael Design) we created our video.
8. How did you get signed with Massacre Records/Soulfood Entertainment? Are you happy with the results of both companies?
Easy Story - We sent an application and they agreed ;) We´re really glad about working together with them. We´ve build up a great team/crew around us to complete the Farewell to Arms project.
9. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
We always write about things in our lives that happened or everything around it. But we always try to be as neutral as we can. No religious stuff, no politics etc. Just ourselves and what we are.
10. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
It´s really difficult to answer this question. Everyone of us listen to other bands and other music styles. For sure everyone has his idols but Michael Jackson is a part of it too. So you know what i mean if i say that its difficult?
11. How did the band come up with its name and is there a meaning behind it?
There's nothing exciting around our band name. When we first came up with band names, we had a long list. Most of the names were total bull crap, but when we heard FAREWELL TO ARMS, we all thought: yeah, that's it. Let's do it! So, very boring story. I'm sorry! Today i think everyone of us has his own definition of this name and links it with different meanings and backgrounds.
12. What are the plans for shows and touring?
Tour a lot!
13. What is your opinion on sites posting your guys material and other bands material?
We´re so thankful for that. In these day it´s not that easy to reach a lot of people for a newcomer. We want to say THANK YOU for sharing our stuff and for every support. <3 p="">
14. How do you guys feel about the classifications in metal? like deathcore, metalcore and other subgenres and how some get a negative rep.
Well, you have define your music in public to class yourself ..okay. But isn´t it enough if we say that we play metal? We don´t want to sound like this or that genre. We want to sound like Farewell to Arms.

Nowadays in the metal music the sound is getting more and more mechanical. We are humans that write and play music so it should contain dynamic, heart and soul.
16. What can the fans expect to see from you in the future?
More stuff - more shows - more Farewell to Arms! We love what we do, what we are, our fans & friends, our team and anyone that helped us to become what we are. So we want to give back as much as we can.
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