In post-apocalyptic times the Blood God starts the Death Metal Warmachine again. 10 years of constant warfare have made DEBAUCHERY even more brutal and sinister. Battlefields all over the world, from Russia to China, all across Europe the „Man in Blood“ left victorious. Most of the well-known festivals – Wacken, Summerbreeze, With Full Force - were destroyed. On the campaigns DEBAUCHERY followed bands like Napalm Death, Destruction, Six Feet Under and more.
The Blood God and his Murder Squad strode beside icons like Slayer, Venom, Immortal and Saxon – always recognizable because of their gore-drenched shows, half-naked Blood Babes and mutilated body parts. The controversy of the band has brought them contact with the big mainstream media, thus their mayhem, terror, and bloodshed continues to draw in the masses day by day and will do so until blood floods the Earth. Frontman Blood God himself, Thomas Gurrath discusses their upcoming release "Kings Of Carnage" an any other gory plans they can tear up.
1. Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Debauchery, and how long the band has been together.
Thomas: Hi, my name is Thomas, I`m the jack of all trades in DEBAUCHERY. I've doing this for 10 years now.
2. Can I get a backstory on the band/ band biography?
Thomas: Something like 8 records in stores with DEBAUCHERY, 2 additional records with my Hard Rock band BIG BALL now called BLOOD GOD. Concerts all over the world, except America :-/ A lot of chaos, lost my job because of the music etc, but most things didn`t work out as they were planned...but I would suggest to read the biography on the homepage
3. How did you guys come up with your band name?
Thomas: It is borrowed from a WASP intro on Crimson Idol. Had no better idea at the time and now I have to live with it.
4. Your 2008 release "Continue To Kill" was what drew me to you guys, having written a review on it as well as your follow-up "Rockers and War" in 2009. Since then you guys have released 3 more full-length albums including your eighth to date, "Kings Of Carnage" what can you tell me about it?
Thomas: It` a DEBAUCHERY album, fantasy lyrics, groove, monster voice. Heavy metal music.
5. What lyrical theme do you guys use in your music? What message do you want to send?
Thomas: There is no message, I write about Fantasy themes, based on the DEBAUCHERY World of Blood Gods. You can find out more about the World of Blood Gods in the Carnage books with the DEBAUCHERY tabletop wargame and on the homepage On earlier records the lyrics were based on Lord of the Rings and the Warhammer World, especially the books of Graham McNeill, Ben Counter and Dan Abnett. Oh, and one song on the last record had a real message. Eat no meat. It`s my vegetarian statement...the song is called Animal Holocaust.
6. What bands have influenced your band and its sound?
Thomas: Mostly Judas Priest, AC/DC also, Slayer, Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Saxon, all the classics. I love heavy metal.

Thomas: The album was recorded at the end of 2012, so everything is ready for the release now.
8. Is there any story or concept behind the Kings Of Carnage title?
Thomas: Yes, of course. In the World of Blood Gods the Blood Gods are the mightiest of monsters. Dragons possessed by Demons of Hell, they are also called the Kings Of Carnage. On Earth most of them fight in the Dark Breed legions who have crossed Hell and now slaughter the human population in murder camps.
9. Select two songs from Kings Of Carnage and what inspired the lyrics.
Thomas: The lyrics of Killerbeast and Let there be blood are based on the same story. Mankind is no longer at the end of the foodchain. Brutal monsters are harvesting us, cutting the spine of the victims so they can no longer run away in the time they have to wait to be butchered. The meat will then be tranformed in small cookies, like Soylent Green, the skin (the victim is skinned alive) will be used as skin armour for the dragons, protecting them against spells and magic of hellspawned demons.
10. Who produced Kings Of Carnage and what was it like working with them?
Thomas: I produced it myself, but sound engineer was Dennis Ward (Unisonic, Pink Cream 69, Krokus) I`m recording every CD since 2005 with him. He is awesome!
11. Who did the cover art for Kings Of Carnage and how much input did you have on it?
Thomas: Not so much, something like: „I need a monster, brutal, with chains on it and human body party. A mix of a beastman and a demon, with horns.“ Adrian Smith is a master of his craft. One of the best monstermakers in the world. He`s working with Games Workshop for 25 years or so and I was amazed by his work even as a child. Now he`s the main artist for DEBAUCHERY. He has done the Continue to Kill cover, the German Blitzkrieg Zombie, the Butcher of Bitches, the Bikerdemon of Rockers & War, the sketches for the Killerbeast and King of Carnage miniatures and many more.
12. How would you describe the overall sound of the new album? How does it compare and differ to your previous releases?
Thomas: I have no idea. Perhaps it is more evil than the last releases, in that aspect more like the first two albums but with a better sound. Very natural, rough and heavy, best way to check it out is to listen to it.
13. When can we expect the new album to be released?
Thomas: Release in Europe is the second of August, for America I have no idea. Hopefully at the same time. You can always follow DEBAUCHERY on facebook to get all the news.
14. Has Debauchery ever played in the States or plan to do so in the future?
Thomas: Never, I hope I will have the chance one day, but I`m a one man army, doing most of the thing alone, the booking too, and I have no booking contacts in the US, so I don`t know if I will ever achieve something like that.
15. What could one expect from Debauchery show?
Thomas: Blood, groove, naked blood babes, heavy metal...something like that.
16. Any strange or unusual happenings while out on the road or at a live show?
Thomas: All the time, if you drink a lot bad and strange things happen all the time. Most are not cool.
17. What is your opinion on the current state of metal?
Thomas: I have no idea about things like that, I don`t know the scene, DEBAUCHERY sounds always different to all the bands we are playing with.
18. What is your opinion on sites posting your guys material and other bands material?
Thomas: You mean as free download? They are stealing my stuff, what do you think I think of them? A record costs thousands of Euros to make, it takes about one year to write everything and in the end some people steal it and put it in the internet for free.
19. How do you guys feel about the classifications in metal? like death metal, metalcore and other subgenres and how some get a negative rep.

20. In May 2010, Thomas Gurrath made news when he was ordered to quit his day job as a teacher. Can you tell me what happened here and how did this make you feel as a musician? What would you like to say to other musicians who might come face with this situation?
Thomas: I don`t like to talk about that. :-)
21. What can the fans expect to see from you in the future?
Thomas: More music hopefully, right now I`m working on the Carnage 2 book coming together with the new album. A new miniature is work in progress. And I`m writing on the second BLOOD GOD album already!
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