Toxic Holocaust - From The Ashes Of Nuclear Destruction

Old school era's never get old especially when it comes to the likes of Toxic Holocaust. Frontman Joel Grind unleashed The Yellowgoat Sessions and is in current writing mode for a follow-up to "Command and Conjure". What more could tide the Toxic Holocaust fans over for the time being? Perhaps a compilation of sorts will do the trick, one ranging over a ten years worth, rarities, demos, revamped works, the whole nine yards is covered on this release alone.

From The Ashes Of Nuclear Destruction collects various contributions over the years as mentioned before, from rarities, demo versions of recordings, timeless revamped recordings of classical works, "666", "Bitch", "Nuke The Cross", with material you wouldn't even think was Toxic Holocaust based, "Metal Attack", "Deathmaster", Thrashing Death", "Send them to Hell", "Reapers Grave", "Suicide Eye", the list is endless and truly flawless. With that said, this is Toxic Holocaust like you've heard before except more raw and in your face - having the material be a solid combo of intensity meets further intensity.

From The Ashes Of Nuclear Destruction gathers over ten years worth of Toxic Holocaust material into one raging compilation!

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