Blast Bomb Talks of Newest Tunes And Show Plans!


 Rock n' roll band BLAST BOMB is just that, explosive rock music, that has lead to a live album, EP, with whole new content to blare into your eardrums. Shows are in the works, with newer music as well as much else in-store for the next year! See what the band talks about with all of this info right below!


1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

Johnny -  Oh that's a long story, how many pages do you have??? Blast Bomb has been in the planning for well over 20 years! With all the band members having played in bands since school but never all together... until now.  Blast Bomb came together 6 years ago when Torben,Tobi & Kluas finally got in one band together with our original bassist Kai. Then came I came along fresh in Germany and looking for some Rock'n'Roll, last year we were joined by Robin who helped complete the line up and add a little more boom! Since our creation we have been steadily building a reputation for our energetic live shows.  After a few EP's its now time to unleash the project we have been working on for the last few years called 'Explosive Sounds'.

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

Johnny -  I just think the name is cool, Tobi our drummer is a little more jazzy then us .. he originally wanted to call us 'The Blast Bomb Project'! 

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Johnny – Sorry I hate the phrase 'Local Band' every band is a local band somewhere... so why cant we just be a band? Anyway Hamburg is a great place for music, deep history and has a bigger impact on the worlds music scene then most people know. The city is rich with top acts in many genres. I can recommend The Moth a fantastic Sludge Metal Band, Küken some killer Punk Rock and our good friends Surfits a Ska band that makes you want to dance your ass off. 

4. How would you describe your style?

Johnny- We call our sound Explosive Rock it infused Punk, Rock, Scandi Rock and Action Punk. Its high energy with ear work shouty chorus's!

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

Johnny -Our first couple of releases we was just finding our feet but our last EP 'Rock'n'Roll Junkie we came into our own and really started pushing our sound, but personally speaking I am most proud of is our live album 'Live & Explosive in the UK' recorded in my home town two weeks before Covid shut down the world. It was kinda nice to come back after a few years away.
Need to start planning a UK tour again I think.

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

Johnny -  We are in a new era of Blast Bomb now with 'Explosive Sounds'  Explosive sounds is 5 singles spread over the coming year. They capture the events of the last three years since the last EP. Its incredibly personal while maintaining the ear worms people expect! The first single 'Hammer Blow' came out in September and has been very well received... but the next single is something very special.

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

Johnny – right now we are in the studio preparing for a show on the 9th of December at Molotow in Hamburg. The venue has a huge reputation, its the go to venue for bands playing Hamburg for the first time. They have the names of now arena filling artists on the walls by the side of the stage. Seeing the names gives you a real energy to put on a bigger and better show.  

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

Johnny – the future is bright. The Explosive Sounds project will take up 2024 with some international touring planned. Honestly cant wait to see what the future brings.

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Johnny- We have music on all good streaming sites and YouTube. All Merch/Tour dates can be found at

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

Johnny – Blast Bomb is best enjoyed with a cold drink or a road trip with friends... Please note not both together!

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