ABORTED Enters Studio!

The Goremasters, ABORTED have returned to the Hansen Studio to record their eighth studio album, "The Necrotic Manifesto". Once again, the album will be produced by Danish producer Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Heaven Shall Burn, Mercenary).

Frontman Sven de Caluwé:

"Well, it's been more than 2 years since we recorded "Global Flatline", an album we put a lot of work into, that brought us all over the world and that we are still most proud of. Time goes on though and it's time for the next chapter in our maniacal adventures! We have been working hard for the past 6 months to bring you a worthy successor to "Global Flatline". And ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have definitely reached that goal! At the end of last year your favorite 5 miscreants locked themselves up in Groningen to lay waste on way too much fast food, pornography to finish pre productions and writing for our next slab of gore metal "The Necrotic Manifesto". We are currently starving Ken Bedene to make sure he is at his most feral when he tracks. Danny and Mendel are preparing their utmost brutal Undertaker moves and JB is growing even more beard to bring the MAN to the metal. Nobody really cares what I'm doing since I just poop into a mic, and Jacob Hansen has been well warned about the ridiculous amounts of blastbeats that will rattle his cage. Get ready Mankind, ABORTED is coming right at ya!"

In support of "The Necrotic Manifesto"  ABORTED will tour North America together with Kataklysm in April. ABORTED will return to Europe in May for a handful of release shows before heading into the festival season.

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