Leisure McCorkle - Actin Like A Friend

Experimental performers such as Leisure McCorkle recently made an appearance on an online music session performance segment called the Gaslight Sessions. In which he went on to perform a track he calls "Actin Like A Friend" for the audience in question at said location of Gaslight Sessions.

"Actin Like A Friend" comes off his last release "5000 Light Years Beyond the Speed of Sound". The album is a lot like this track. This album finding its material chalk full of hook filling songs, emotional song writing with clever lyrics that keeps an influential Americana alive and well.

Speaking of Americana this track in particular is a mix up of pop, rock, and country blues, having that mixture really cracking the sound barriers of such moving material. Like take the instrumentals done by Leisure, in this video for said track, he is performing on his lonesome self, guitar in hand, singing his voice out with such devotion it is really comforting. Whereas the lyrical side of the track is much more interesting. The song goes into discussion about traveling, a friend being there for some time, not really being a true friend at all. Which has the song asking a question of why are you acting like a friend of mine? Why are you not being a real friend to me is what the whole focus of this track revolves around.

That said, the track's lyrics are very meaningful, passionate, and soulful. They speak about this friend doing wrong to the other person which downright sucks. You have to hear the track more than once, to really get that sense of emotion flowing through these words coming out of Leisure. He himself doing a rather superb job vocal-wise. He has this tone of voice, that drives the music onward, really bringing out this energy of pride and progression. His guitar work being done just as well. The way the strings are played through the guitar's strumming is mellow but still catching for the ear.

If this track did not have you thinking of your close friend, then maybe it brought someone else to mind entirely. Whatever the case may be, this is a track with an album to go with it, that will take the listener places with ease. There is no telling as to where the performer Leisure will end up next, with such raw energetic talent pulsing through him. Only time will tell for sure what happens next for him and his music craftiness.

All in all Leisure's "Actin Like A Friend" off his "5000 Light Years Beyond the Speed of Sound" album, performed at the Gaslight Sessions, was a track, with a performance, off an album that really brings it altogether. He is a man of great talent. He has the skill set to write well rounded material, that plays off to being nothing but good old music. While he has a style going that is Americana in sound, he is able to learn from that, continuing to be more crafty with his abilities and skills.


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