Nazgul Rising Discusses Music and Being a Band Together!

Black metal group NAZGUL RISING has had some music released, with more in the works currently. No plans for touring or doing live shows at this time, just focusing upon promoting the new content as much as possible. The band discusses their music, togetherness and more below.

1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

Nazgul Rising was born in 2001 in Praeneste (the ancient Palestrina near Rome) by Lord Trevius, Borius the King and Trvkvlentvs inspired by their common interest in aggressive and direct black metal based upon the nordic style. After the first “Demo-niako”  the band turned in symphonic black metal with the demo “In Absentia Domine”. After many lives on stages, the band split to rise again as a project studio with the Ep “Let Evil Arise”. 

In 2014 released the first album “Orietur in Tenebris Lux Tua” with Trvkvlentvs (Guitars, bass and Programming) Atum Drums, Borius the King vocals. 

2022 second album “Cycles of Primal Chaos” Trvkvlentvs all instruments and vocals, Lord Trevius orchestral arrangements.

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

The members of Nazgul Rising are passionate about Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings. We are particularly fascinated by the character of the Nazgul. 

They were once kings, but were corrupted by the dark lord into servants of evil. The name of the band emphasizes these men's transition to darkness and all that made them evil. 

Corruption, lust for power and submission in exchange for something, has always reflected man's vulnerability. 

So, the name "Nazgul Rising" is a metaphor for the evil that is born within us, the dark alter ego wants to come out and take over.

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

In Italy and especially in Rome the metal scene is very strong. There are good bands of different metal genres. Unfortunately only a few bands manage to get out of the crowd and have contracts with big labels, and are given little importance to others who struggle to find a space. Among the most popular ones are Stormlord, Hour of Penance, Novembre, and Doomraiser. Most extreme genre Voron, Under Siege, Grimace Gall, Nefastoreth and many others

4. How would you describe your style?

At the beginning the songs were very direct and aggressive in the classic black metal, with the addition of keyboards we gave a breakthrough Symphonic black metal, always keeping the tracks fast and evocative.

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

We made 2 demos when they were a real band. In 2004 the Ep “Let the Evil Arise" as a project studio.

In 2014 he released the first full-length "Orietur in Tenebris Lux Tua", entirely composed by me, with Atum on drums and Borius the King on vocals. "Cycles of Primal Chaos" is the latest release, composed by me and Lord Trevius.

What can someone expect from a journey between light and darkness, between mythology and theogony in a soundtrack of fast melodic black metal and orchestral elements.

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

Yes I have different material to work on, but it is still in embryonic stage because I would like to experience something new.

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

There are no tours and live, I would not mind but I think it is quite difficult at the moment to re-propose the live songs being a project studio, we will see in the future if it is possible to put on a real band of musicians.

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

At the moment we try to promote the new album, make it listen as much as possible and find a label that is interested. For the future surely there will be another album but how it will sound I don’t know yet.

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

We are on where you can buy or listen to our music, but also Spotify and all digital platforms on the web.

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

I think if a listener should remember us because we left an emotion and a mood that struck him, it could be a sentence, a guitar riff or just because he was impressed by the album cover, which is a real masterpiece.

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