Incursed - Amalur

"Amalur", is the album which had an accompanying EP before it, titled "The Slavic Covenant", a tie in of sorts, as it were, that make the two releases complete on their own accordance. "Amalur", though is the follow-up to the EP as well as to the 2014 album "Elderslied". How the album plays itself out though, is quite interesting for the likes of epic Viking metal act Incursed. One time band with a onetime attitude that keeps coming back for them. As it would have it though, the album is just as the previous releases before it, it impacts that powerful rush of adrenaline and energy. Loads of instrumentals and vocal chords that keep on punching at you. As you being the listener of course, it becomes more intense as each of the 12-tracks plays on through. For instance take one's like "Cry Havoc!" "The Awakening", "Hardest of the Harvest", and "Brothers in Arms", each play their part and role as being tracks to stand out the most for this album.

As it would have it though, each of these tracks is very different than the last one played through, as each one shows a development of sorts, being well rounded and sounding so powerful to the ears, it makes the music as a whole rather unique. It allows for the instruments and vocal chords to work together, whilst still developing their skill set, creating material that changes but makes it work out, rather willingly and well enough that it pays off. Pays off in a sense that it becomes a top notch quality of style and sound for the album.

Overall though Incursed's "Amalur", release is a solid piece as were the previous releases. It mixes up their previous content, nicely, to become a well developed, yet full of growth album that will be promising for the ears, of whoever hears it. Surely though they will not be disappointed not if at all. In short, they will be kept entertained from beginning to end of this album, that is most certain for sure.

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