Nick Black - Joy To The Girl

"Joy To The World", is indeed a Christmas track for Christmas time, while it is not December nor July, this "Joy To The Something" track is catching on. In fact, "Joy To The Girl", takes similar wording just changing one word instead of world it is girl. No matter though because this is Nick Black's track he has made from a song into a video he calls simply "Joy To The Girl" off his album "Spring + Summer".

As it would go, you probably have no idea as to who this Nick Black character or shall we say artist is exactly am I right? Of course I am. But anyway, Nick Black is a nobody wanting to be a somebody because he is an up-and-coming artist, in the music scene, that has got this song out and about making quite the buzz worthy chitter chatter of the interwebs and digital platforms of the music circuit. His live showcases are highly entertaining, an experience that features the smooth clean cut vocal chords, with falsetto toning with the busting of the guitar that is makes Nick Black's work seem undoubtly original and unique.

His choice of music being a combination of pop meets soul crossed with jazz taken you back to the era of the 60's to 70's easily. Literally when it comes to this track whether it turn out to be the song or video, you get taken a back with the fact that the music resembles that time period. The video version that accompanies this song, is very entertaining. The set up is that the entire piece is done in an array of cubicles in an office work space. As the main man himself Nick Black dances his way throughout the place, interacting with the fellow workers, singing his heart and feelings of emotion out loud.
As this song's lyrical content being just that of the heart. His feelings expressing of what else but love. The love for a girl of course. How can it not be about a girl, is it not what all lovey dovey songs are about every now and again. If not perhaps all the time if at that. In any case though, this track may be a love song of feeling, but it is an upbeat track with such pizzazz it is hard not to resist its melody of tunes.

Nick Black's vocal chords are clean cut, clear as a bell, you are able to hear them as possibly possible when listening in, the music in the backdrop just being there to keep his vocal chords a float. The rest of it all just comes together, piecing the song as one whole piece, making it one tap dancing beat of tone, that you will either be dancing in your seat, or bobbing your head to said beat.

All in all Nick Black's "Joy To The Girl", may not be a Christmas track, but it is one of those that can be heard during the spring or summer time, amongst the breeze of the trees, flowers, and wild life.

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