DC Super Hero Girls Toddler Dolls Wonder Woman and Super Girl Jakks Pacific Review

In the 90's to 00's super hero flicks from the Marvel and DC Comics realms came to both the big screen and small screens for all to see. But years later would these realms ignite into a much greater aspect than years prior. Having had such releases including Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Wonder Woman, as well as others like DareDevil, The Flash, Constantine, Super Girl, and even some crossovers with Batman V. Superman. Heroes of all genders, shapes, and sizes, would soar far and wide getting everyone into the buzz of the heroes and heroines, draping a cape or powers of some sort and kind.

This is where DC Comics comes into the mix with its recent successor that is female heroines in the name of Wonder Woman. An iconic being to the comic realm of sorts, dating back to the late  70's with a TV show of the super heroine. But that is not all that would drape the cape and powers, for Super Girl and even Batgirl, would hit the scene, the trio as themselves being in high school, in the form of a Mattel and DC Comics crossover called DC Super Hero Girls launched in 2015. Where super heroes of all sorts would attend high school, growing up into adulthood of who they would famously become later on.

Disney Toddler Dolls by Jakks Pacific
This concept is NOT the usual sons and daughters of such and such route. No these are the real deal heroes in their prime but as teens and even before that being toddlers. Which is where this review comes in, toddlers in terms of dolls. Yes toddler dolls have been a thing for some time now, most noticeable being Disney's variations of its Princess's and other characters from its assortment of Disney products. But soon other brands and toy companies would adapt into the toddler craze, developing their own line of dolls, lines, and products. Jakks Pacific being one who has worked with Disney to release their own version of the Disney toddler dolls. Later on expanding into other markets and lines including the DC Comics verse with DC Super Hero Girls, releasing a trio of girls, that have been mentioned already.

DC Super Hero Girls in Toddler Form
Wonder Woman, Super Girl, and Batgirl have their own DC Super Hero Girl versions of themselves in toddler form. The dolls standing at 14 inches in height, when taken out of the box, and when staying inside of course. They are about the same size if not roughly similar size to the Disney toddler dolls in both Disney and Jakks Pacific's versions. Wonder Woman and Super Girl were both sent to me by the Jakks Pacific company, and they are both so adorably cute!

Super Girl Toddler Doll

Wonder Woman Toddler Doll

They are dressed in their signature attire outfits, cape and all. Their hair appearing to be soft and smooth, with precise details to their appeal and appearance. Their eyes beaming with excitement to just be played with by whoever takes one home. My set are being kept in their boxes, as that is the type of collector that I am. But the details of the outer box are just as superb as the dolls themselves. The box art is really well done. Wonder Woman and Super Girl just look fabulous drawn out as toddlers, the art style is again very similar to the Disney versions. Their boxes also showcasing the "DC" logo, and DC Comics mentioned placed here and there upon the box. Where on the sides of each doll, it shows off their own logo, the "S" and "WW" for each respected girl.

All in all both of these dolls are a great addition to any sup hero or heroines collection. Toddler dolls are just as fun as regular dolls, except these provide a more childlike embrace, that makes you smile and wonder as to how much fun your imagination can take you, no matter what age you may be.

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