September Mourning's September Discusses Getting Signed, New Album, and Touring

September Mourning have been hard at work, since last speaking with them in 2012. Since then they have gone on to get signed, written all new material for their new album, plans to play shows and go on tour are in the works, plus much more in the making! September Mourning's frontwomen herself September, does the dialog discussion.

1. Let us get started by filling in our readers as to what the band has been up to in the past year.

September: It's been a bit of a whirlwind. We were signed to Virgin Records and then put into the studio to record the album. We went in with Howard Benson (My Chemical Romance). We finished it all up and started working on the live presentation. We are about ready to release the story of September Mourning into the world of the living, and cannot wait till it all comes together.

2. How did you and Virgin Records come together? Are you pleased with what they have been doing for you thus far?

September: They loved the story line multimedia aspect of the project and after seeing a showcase, we were signed. We are very hands on with our project, the success of something this big will be directly derived from the hard work that we put in.

3. Did the record company interfere with anything on your "sound" and songs?

September: They had their ideas. As an artist it's important to reach beyond your safe zone. There are some songs on the album that do that.

4. You will be releasing a graphic novel series that will tell of the band's story, is this graphic novel the same series as the one you had mentioned of being a comic book series back in 2012?

September: Yes it's been in development for years we wanted to do things in tandem with each other so that everything would come together and make sense sometimes you have to be patient for that to happen so it happens the right way.

5. Your new song and single for "Children of Fate" tends to suit the fan base's namesake, why did you think that calling your fan base this name would suit them so well?

September: It  all comes from the development of the storyline which will be unveiled soon ;). It fits that... and I believe we all have the potential to decide our own fate.

6. Can you tell me the story behind that song "Children of Fate" why was it chosen as the leading single? Will you be releasing an official video accompanying it?

September: It's actually not the leading single it's just a song off of the album people throw around the word single everywhere but technically it's not.

7. What kind of "sound", production wise, did you have in the back of your mind, prior to entering the studio?

September: I wanted to combine all of my favorite influences together. and most importantly do what was best for each individual song. From alternative to rock to pop figuring out a specific way to creatively combine genres and make our own lane in alternative hard rock.

8. What was the recording process like this time around? Was there anything different that happened or was it the same old studio thing?

September: It was a bit different I was with a new production team and every time you go in with someone new there's a learning curve to how you work together.

9. Can you tell us how this album differs from the previous ones? What can we expect and what is the message behind it?

September: We've only released one album and that one was basically a bunch of demos we recorded on our own. This one is a produced, refined, studio album. The level and quality control is a lot higher. This album is a continuation of the journey of September Mourning on her story. It has a lot of different flavors within it that make it very interesting like the souls September collects, each song is very much an individual.

10. How long did this CD take to make from start to finish, recording-wise?

September: About 4 months.

11. What kind of input did the producer have during the process?

September: Howard watched over the process and sculpted the songs. He has a great team he works with that is very hands on.

12. Did the producer use any (weird) experimental miking and/or recording techniques?

September: Yes, but I'm sworn to secrecy. ;)

13. How does the album art relate to the music on the album?

September: We haven't decided on the final album art but I'm sure it will have something to do with the story of September.

14. Do you know how many songs will be on the album?

September: Either 12 or 13.

15. Have you picked out a title for the album?

September: Yes, but that again is still a secret. ;)

16. Will there be any special guests or special collaborations on the album?

September: There will probably be 2 we are working out the details now. :)

17. Are you pleased with the final outcome? (sound - production wise).

September: Yes, I think it is a multidimensional piece of art and I learned so much as an artist making this album.

18. Are there any "crazy" behind the scenes anecdotes from these sessions that you can share with us?

September: We did a lot of late night sessions together with the programmers and that was a lot of fun just a lot of silliness. We all got a long really well.

19. What does this album mean to you all? If you had to pick "one" word to describe it that meaning.

September: It's Thematic. It stays true to its source and weaves a musical story around the characters.

20. What is in the future for September Mourning? Any shows or tours on the horizon that we should know about?

September: We are playing at Rock on the Range this year and will be touring before that. Keep checking in with us on our social media sites for dates!

21. Any last words for the friends and fans out there?

September: We appreciate all of those who are taking this journey with us and cannot wait to bring September Mourning to life for you all!

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