From First To Last Get Signed to a Label

From First To Last have gotten signed to Sumerian Records. They had this to say "We are very excited to announce that we have officially joined the Sumerian Records artist family, and that our new single "Dead Trees" is now available for purchase on iTunes and Google Play! It's going to be a good 2015 everyone!"

The band has released the first single "Dead Trees" off their fifth album the first to feature new vocalist Spencer Sotelo who's also doing vocal duties for Periphery. The record itself was also funded via Kickstarter. But that's not all the band has done they went ahead to re-record the 2004 song "Note To Self" to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the band's 2004 release 'Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Body Count".

Check out the "Note To Self" song HERE and "Dead Trees" HERE.

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