My Ransomed Soul's Brendan Talks Third Album, Shows, and Touring Plans

My Ransomed Soul discussed with us about themselves and their debut efforts not that long ago. Since then, they have released more works, played shows, toured and continue to do this never ending cycle of creating music. Thus they are upon their latest efforts to date called "Trilateral". In which frontman vocalist Brendan Frey talks of it and the plans for them in the future.

1. Introduce yourself; tell me what you do in My Ransomed Soul.

Brendan: My name is Brendan Frey and I am the vocalist and lyricist for the band.

2. What's the story behind "Monarch" and why was it chosen as a single and video?

Brendan: “Monarch” was written about the over reach of government control into the lives of individuals. I believe that this is a growing problem not only internationally, but in the United States as well. It's far too easy to develop a blind sense of patriotism. There is nothing wrong with having pride in your nation or culture, but there is no excuse for ignoring the corruption that exists within the powers that be. The song is prompting listeners to take a look at the current system with a skeptical eye and to ask tough questions. If there is anything I want to do with my lyrics is to get people to really think. We chose "Monarch" as our single because we felt it embodied the overall feeling of "Trilateral".

3. What's your favorite song on the album right now?

Brendan: It would most likely be a toss-up between “Monarch” and “Mockingbird”. In my opinion these songs are two of the most aggressive tracks on the album.

4. What's your take on "Trilateral" as a whole?

Brendan: The album really reflects a lot of my own personal views about politics, human nature, and spirituality. These are topics that I am extremely passionate about. Musically the album is very aggressive and straight forward. I believe it has a feeling of raw energy while maintaining a polished sound.

5. Is it important for you to paint visual pictures with the songs?

Brendan: To an extent, yes. I want to get people thinking with every song. It's not so much a visual depiction but more of a push for people to think about tough topics.

6. What would be the cinematic equivalent of "Trilateral"?

Brendan: I really can’t think of a cinematic equivalent. I feel like some of the music would fit great in a politically themed movie.

7. How has the band’s sound evolved from "Falsehoods" to "Trilateral"?

Brendan: I think we really focused a lot more on song structure this time around. "Falsehoods" was like the foundation for us finding our sound while "Trilateral" was an opportunity for us to solidify our ideas. "Trilateral" has a much more aggressive and passionate vibe overall. We also were album to resume working with our producer Chris Galvez. I think having a chance to work with him again made for a much more naturally experience since we already had developed a working relationship during "Falsehoods".

 8. Was your songwriting and recording process any different than usual for this CD?

Brendan: We spent a lot more time writing the songs on this album than we did on previous albums. When we recorded "Falsehoods" we only had two months in order to meet label deadlines. Since this was a completely independent project we had more time to just focus on being creative. Our producer Chris Galvez also was a lot more hands on this time around. He was really instrumental in helping us perfect the sound we were looking to acquire.

As far as the recording process, we actually recorded the whole album in my basement. Chris brought his mobile recording setup to my home and turned my basement into a studio. We recorded day and night for about two weeks. After we finished tracking and editing we sent the recording sessions to Brian Hood at 456 Recordings for reamping, mixing, and mastering.

9. Did you get the album you wanted? Is everything on there or were there some things that were just impossible to pull off?

Brendan: We are actually extremely happy with the outcome of the album. We ended up cutting a few songs in the end but we are happy with the material that actually made it to the album.

10. Is there any story or concept behind the title "Trilateral"?

Brendan: “Trilateral” is related to ancient symbolism, secret societies, and its connection to ruling powers throughout history.  If anyone does a little bit of research on the term they can get a general idea of the concept behind it.

11. Is it a concept album?

Brendan: Trilateral is not a concept album, but instead covers a wide variety of topics including politics, human nature, and spirituality.

12. What are your expectations for the CD?

Brendan: We consider this to be our best material to date and would really like to be able to share it with as many people as possible.  We expect to reach a larger and more diverse audience with this release.

13. What are your upcoming show and tour plans?

Brendan: We are actually doing a short weekend tour with In Dying Arms in February and various other shows booked from now through April.

14. Anything else you’d like to say or promote?

Brendan: It’s not easy self-releasing an album and we really put a lot of time and effort into this release. Any support, even in the smallest way, can be extremely helpful.  Please make sure to pre-order the new album at

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