Paroxysmal Butchering's Tim Talks the Human Smasher

Blasting perversity since 2007, Paroxysmal Butchering has worked hard to create music that is unrelentingly ferocious, yet memorable, and continues to assert itself as the premier purveyor of ear drum punishing, crotch obliterating brutality. Frontman vocalist, guitarist, and programmer Tim Bee discusses of the band's latest efforts "Human Smasher", process of the new music in the works, and the plans ahead!

1. How did you the band get its start, where did you first promote yourselves and how did you go about getting discovered?

Tim: The band started as a solo project, back in 2007. I wrote material for fun, and didn't really take it seriously. I decided to take all the material that I had, record it, and put it on MySpace for the small number of people who were listening to PB at the time (that material became Supreme Revulsion, our debut album). I recorded it at Joshes house, and he offered to play guitar, if I ever wanted to start performing the songs live. We started jamming with his drummer, Nacho, and PB became an actual band.

We posted our stuff on MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube, and landed a bunch of really awesome shows, because we got along with the local show promoters really well, haha. From that, it's kind of just grown.

Show No Mercy Records asked us to sign to their label the day after Josh and Nacho officially joined, so that was cool having that kind of backing from the get go.    

2. What about your name, Paroxysmal Butchering, what does that represent? Is there a story behind it, you'd like to share?

Tim: Back when I was really fixated on drawing symmetrical band logos, the idea of a name with an equal number of letters (ten letters in paroxysmal, and ten letters in butchering) was very appealing to me, haha.

I liked the name, because all of the songs and lyrics were about typical death metal subject matter - murder, torture, cannibalism, etc., so a name that literally meant to kill, suddenly and violently just fit.    

3. Who are your musical influences?

Tim: The older material was really influenced by Suffocation, Inveracity, Cannibal Corpse, and Beheaded. The influences have REALLY broadened, though, as we've developed our sound.

4. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Tim: Supreme Revulsion was all about murder, rape, torture, and cannibalism. Half of the Human Smasher album was about that stuff, and the other half was about coping with a mind that fixates on that kind of stuff, more or less.

5. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

Tim: The first album was pretty much written by the time everyone joined, so Josh and Nacho just learned the material, and we'd play it; Floyd, our bassist, wrote his own bass lines.

On Human Smasher, I wrote the songs, Josh and I collaborated on two, and Dalton, our (at the time) newly acquired guitarist wrote a track, as well. When it came time to record, Josh and I just jammed, and basically rewrote a bunch of the album, in the studio. It was great, because we came up with a lot of stuff that neither of us likely would have come up with, individually.

6. After you got discovered you got signed with Show No Mercy Records, how did this happen what was running through your mind when you got word about it?

Tim: Yeah, Darren messaged me on Facebook, and asked if PB would be interested in signing. I talked to Josh and Nacho about it, and they were kind of like, "what the fuck?" since they were literally hours in to joining, haha. We agreed that if Darren would knock the three album deal down to two, we'd join; Darren agreed, and we've since put out two albums with SNM.

7. What's your outlook on the record industry today?

Tim: I honestly don't pay attention to it. We do everything ourselves, so while it would be great to have support from some huge label, if we never get that, we can still write, produce, release, and distribute material the way that we already do.

8. What do you think about downloading music on line whether it'd be paid or free?

Tim: People contact us all the time apologizing for downloading our albums. I tell them the same thing: do you enjoy it? do you share it with your friends? If they say yes, I'm happy, haha. I understand it's stealing, I just don't have any strong personal opinions on the subject.

9. Why did you want to go and be featured on the split release "Guttural Carnival" and why were there so many bands featured on one release?

Tim: Our friends asked if we wanted to take part in it, and we agreed; we're actually set to do another one with Incineration, Goemagot, Abdicate, and Catatonic Rigidity, later this year. I think it's a good opportunity to get your music out to fans of the other bands, and vice versa. It benefits bands and listeners, and it's like a live show, in CD form.

10. How would you describe the overall sound of "Human Smasher"?

Tim: I don't know, really. I'd say it's Brutal Death, but not traditional BDM, in any sense. We just built on the PB sound, where we incorporate melodic, Black Metal sounding riffs, and some Grindcore elements into Brutal Death Metal. People seem to like it, so we're happy with it.

11. Can you go into one or two tracks on "Human Smasher"? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?

Tim: "Forcefully Seized and Sodomized" - This is Dalton's track, and it shows. It's definitely our most technical, and easily the fastest, haha. If you listen to his other bands, She Was Dead When I Got There, and Oppressor God, you'll see what I mean. It's unrelenting, from start to finish; it's an awesome track, and it's crazy to hear such a talented musician give his "take" on your music.

"Human Smasher" - When I wrote the title track, my aim was to incorporate all of the things that made PB sound like it does, as well as include the direction it's heading in. We left vocals off the track, because it honestly just sounded better without them.

12. What's new in the recording of your music? Are you working on any follow-up to "Human Smasher"?

Tim: I'm in the middle of writing the sixth song for our third album, actually. :)

13. Could you describe your show, visually and musically for those who may have not seen you before?

Tim: A bunch of sweating assholes, flipping out on stage, with loud, abrasive music blasting from the sound system. That just about sums it up.

14. How do you promote your band and shows?

Tim: We primarily utilize Facebook.

15. What's the best and worst thing about playing clubs, arenas, bars, etc.

Tim: The best thing is just getting to play, interact with the fans, and take part in that whole experience.

The worst thing is a poorly promoted show, where you drive hours to play to the other bands, and a rogue juggalo, or two.

16. Tell us about your next shows and why we should be there?

Tim: We haven't been booking, actually. The only show we have lined up is the Bay Area Death Fest, in Oakland, CA, this summer. You should go, because it's two days of Brutal Death Metal, what could be better?

17. What are the biggest and smallest obstacles for bands?

Tim: Getting a tour to flow smoothly can be a real bitch, haha. Other than that, I'm not really sure; we're really fortunate to have a band full of guys with their heads on straight, so we've never had to deal with a lot of the stuff you hear bands typically complaining about.

18. What advice would you give to fellow bands?

Tim: Utilize social networking, and don't act above your listeners, because you're not. You know how cool it is when you meet a band, and the members are all really nice, laid back people? Be that band.
19. How do you describe your music to people?

Tim: If they know what extreme metal is, I just tell them we play BDM. If they have no idea, I say it's really heavy heavy metal music, and the singing sounds like monster sounds and burps.

20. What inspires you to do what you do?

Tim: Writing music is one of the only things in life that I thoroughly enjoy doing.

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