Shallow Ground - Embrace The Fury

Out of the many acts wanting to spread their brand of music, to the masses only Shallow Ground would be the ones to do so, in an aggressive, brain-rattling, play it loud and proud style of format. As it would have it, work out rather nicely for them. Hence their album "Embrace The Fury", does quite the embracing indeed, with its 9-tracks of material, it's array of variety is very thrash worthy. As the variety of thrash metal that they proclaim is done right. It has a variety of sorts due to the fact, that it is 90's meets modern day thrash metal, true aggression meets fast paced adrenaline rush. You get the feel of the music, loads of energy pulsating through, it keeps it all flowing nicely. So much so, that the music seems to never end, as each of the tracks blends right into one another, for one's that tend to stand out the most would likely be such as "Brace For Impact", "Human Flame", "Eye Of The Storm", and "Class Warfare". These alone really setting up what "Embrace The Fury", truly has to offer the listener. That is, as what has been already mentioned, lots of energy, fast pacing momentum, with loads of aggression thrown in, that makes it hard hitting thrash metal to its finest content. Shallow Ground's "Embrace The Fury", is a solid piece of work, that is well off for many more years to come. The masses have been reached and it is here for the taking and keeping.

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