Ravage - Return Of The Spectral

Traditional, no one uses that term, not no way, not no how! But in the case of Ravage they continue on as a new voice for the traditional metal genre, ignoring all previous incarnations as it were, the passing trends, instead offering a sound that is within the likes of heavy metal, thrash metal, being nothing like the others. Thus, this is their latest album to date, being entitled "Return Of The Spectral Rider". The title track comes close to opening up the album, as it's track lingers as a close second coming, being quite memorable. The material within bringing to mind the acts of the classics like Judas Priest meets Iron Maiden. That is the format that those acts used during their time and still do, and how Ravage does their own ways with the style, in similar forms somehow. Their style being slightly similar but still keeping to their own originality as a whole. The next track would have to be a set of tracks, as it would have it be, such as, "Turn The Screw", "The Wicked Way", "Wake The Dead", "Wasteland", and "Bring Down The Hellhammer". All of which appear to be quite entertaining, lots of fast paced energy, with lots of guitar driven riffs, powerful vocals, you get the feel rushed across your face and body. The music just embracing you, as you tap your feet if not bang your head, you are really taken in upon the music in question. It just has so much going for it, that there is not one way to depict it's power. Ravage just knows how to play their tune, and they do so, so willingly yet right as well. "Return Of The Spectral Rider", is just one of those albums that just gets you, it fills you up with music that just hits. It is how Ravage works and it works out well.

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