My Little Pony developed by Hasbro debuted as a toy line made for girls back in the 1980's. It was then that in 1981 that the first toy products developed by Bonnie Zacherle, Charles Muenchinger, and Steve D' Aguanno, were produced. These ponies featured colorful manes, bodies, and tails, symbolizing upon their flanks a unique symbol, later known as "cutie marks". Since the toys debut back then the My Little Pony brand has expanded from a toy line revamping to other forms of media, ranging from a TV series with four incarnations, two feature length films, among other product branding. This would go along as include bedding, appeal, house ware, kitchenware, books in the form of comics and regular reading books aimed for all ages, and of course the TV series and toys too!
Where would all of this lead to down the line, 35 years later? Well My Little Pony still being quite popular all thanks to its current generation titled "My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic", which debuted in 2010 and now 7 years later, is in its seventh season with over 100 episodes with an all new feature film set for release this October! Taking the same title as the previous feature film that was released in 1986, the My Little Pony The Movie. While the titling may be the same the set of characters and themes and whole set-up is slightly changed between the two generations, out of this total of four in this series.

Which brings us back to the branding and product structure for the My Little Pony brand in terms of bedding products go. The Franco Manufacturing Company Inc. had sent me some products for review purposes and them being known for its pillow buddy plush animals did release some of the pony's in plush form years prior, in the case of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. They were a hit or miss with the fan base and kids but still enjoyed by a sum of the latter. As the series would grow and form into this new feature film, the Franco Manufacturing Company would continue to do work with Hasbro and My Little Pony, releasing more products, more pillow buddies and bedding in sheet sets, quilts, and comforters for twin and full beds.

Lastly was more bedding as this was a microfiber twin comforter that was soft and sparkly! Yes you heard correctly sparkly, because this bedding was draped in sparkles and glitter! The glitter not the type to come off and onto you though, just glittery designs upon the fabric itself. It also showing off the ponies of Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Songbird Serenade. The saying across the top saying "Adventure I Must Go!"

In any case though the My Little Pony The Movie bedding product line from the Franco Manufacturing Company Inc. was a nice treat and well received package of items to enjoy. Surely for me, these ponies will drift me of to dreamland each and every night. If you would like to add any of these items to your own home, then you can find this variety at your local Target if not online as well.
Fly on and soar My Little Pony because you will be here for quite some time more, bringing out the joy and comfort in not just your brand of products, but in the excitement that you bring to many of us across the globe. Let they sleep well in the comfort of these little ponies, the mane 6 the guardians of friendship.
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