Boy bands were a thing of the past, but have become a thing of the present as well. For Belgians The Fourth Kingdom, have hit the American soil with a single titled "Broken", with new music underway, touring to follow, with no plans on stopping, until all know who they are from the get go! This boy band got together to discuss their time in the US, new music, touring plans, and much more!
1. So what was it about the boy band genre, that had you all decide "That is what I want to do if I had a band"?
Sebastian: We do not really consider us as a classic boy band, we try to bring a sound that is not really boyband"ish".
Shane: Like Broken for instance.
2. When it comes to the band concept, why a boy band and not a traditional band? Would you have thought of being a traditional band/boy band with instruments instead of just the solo no hand combat and just vocal play?
Kyle: You should read our bio. :) We all play instruments. We are not the typical boy band of the past. We are a modern boy band.
Jaxon: Sebastian & I play the guitar, Shane drums & Kyle plays the piano.
3. Why go from being known as State Of Mind to The Fourth Kingdom? What does this name change represent for you guys?
Shane: We were actually called State Of Mind in the beginning until we started to see comments on YouTube, that people were confusing us with another band with the same name, a drum & bass band. So just before the U.S. release, we decided to change our name, to The Fourth Kingdom.
Sebastian: No long ago we were on the subway in N.Y. and a lady asked us to play some music or her, which we did and she said our music was a gift from The Kingdom. So we decided to take her advice, which we did and here we are today. :)
Kyle: So now our fans are actually the Kings and Queens of The Fourth Kingdom!
4. You went on to compete in the television series The Voice aired in Belgium, what was that experience like for you all? What did you gain from it?
Sebastian: Performing in front of millions of TV viewers was frightening but an exciting at the same time.
Kyle: I learned that it is a great way, to showcase what you can do as an artist.
Jaxon: Communicating with my coach, he taught me a lot, stuff I didn't even know that I could do with my voice.
5. Which version of your name do you prefer being called The Fourth Kingdom or 4TK for short?
Together: We let the fans decide but we have a feeling that it's gonna be 4TK!
6. Does your fan base have a name like the 4TKers? Or the Kingdom?
Sebastian: There is actually an Instagram page, that's called 4TKers, so I think that will stick.
Kyle: But if they want to call themselves the Kingdom or the Kings and Queens, it's alright to us.
Jaxon: They just need to listen to our music. :)
7. Have you had the chance to witness the previous boy bands that have come before you, in terms of one of their live performances?
Jaxon: I haven't seen 1D or any other BBand in concert, did you guys?
Sebastian: Nope neither did I.
Kyle: I saw the 1D DVD of their performance which was dope.
Shane: Yeah I also saw that on TV.
8. If you could pick one of the boy bands of the past to play a show or tour with who would it be and why?
Kyle: Would Coldplay be considered a boy band? :)
Sebastian: Four guys, so it has to be a boy band.
Shane: Maybe Nsync? Or just Justin Timberlake, him alone would be Epic!
Jaxon: Harry Styles! Maybe he can join us now.
9. Besides the boy bands, are you a fan of any of the girl bands?
Sebastian: The Janes.
Kyle: Yes you should check them out!
Jaxon: Great band!
10. You have released a single that was turned into a video as well for a track called "Broken". It was shot in New York and you have been working upon new material also in the U.S. So what is it like being here in the U.S. Of A? Would you say that it is everything you imagined or the same as your home base that is Belgium?
Sebastian: I love NY & LA, the people, the vibe, love it all!
Shane: You cannot compare Belgium with The States, it's so much bigger , & it's where you need to be if you want to make it in the music business.
Kyle: The only thing I do miss from Belgium, when I am in the U.S. is my family.
Jaxon: The food, Belgians are really amazing, when it comes to cooking!

Jaxon: We made Broken together with producer Ty Jamz & MJ Songstress (songwriter), last April in New York.
Sebastian: I remember that the lyrics poured out of our heart, Broken really strikes a chord with us, and is a good representative of who we are as a band.
Shane: Broken was quite intense to create. Broken is about the hurt of losing the one you love, the breaking up of that relationship.
Kyle: You know your girl is cheating on you, but you go through the motion of denial, sometimes the reality is too hard to deal with. But at the end you realize that she is not worth it & you break it off.
The music video was shot in NY & it really reflects what the song is about, it has a gloomy dark vibe to it.
12. Besides the "Broken", single you have other tracks with collaborators like Nicki Minaj and Flo Rida, what was it like getting to work alongside such big names in the music scene, and why did you want them to be a part of the 4TK experience?
Shane: Our management knows people who worked with Nicky & Flo, so they reached out to them and that's how it started.
Sebastian: We still can't believe that it happened, we know we are very fortunate to get opportunities like this.
Jaxon: We are also featuring up and coming artists like us, check out Ian Thomas whose also a Belgian artist.
Kyle: Rapper Saratoga Spades is featured on the rap version of our track "Broken".
13. Will these three tracks be included on an upcoming 4TK release in terms of an EP or full-length? Or will the trio remain a series of singles and videos?
Shane: They are indeed part of our soon to be released album.
Kyle: There is a lot of new music on the way!
14. What are your songs about, what types of concept or theme do they provoke?
Sebastian: It depends, we also write most of our songs, together with other songwriters.
Jaxon: It kinda depends on the mood we are in.
Kyle: So yeah we have emotional songs, ballads, but also feel good poppy tracks to.
Shane: Pretty much they all sound like The Fourth Kingdom originals.
15. Do you write your own songs, how would you describe the writing process between you?
Kyle: We wrote Broken together with Ty & Mj.
Jaxon: You Are The One Together with Ian Thomas.
Sebastian: My favorite Hold, was done together with a Swedish writer.
Shane: Yes with "Tinkerbell". :)
Sebastian: We actually love writing songs together, the four of us have a lot of ideas & then combine what we consider to be the best.
Jaxon: Yes everybody contributes.
16. How about influences both musically and non- musically who would you say you look up the most when it comes to your music creativity?
Sebastian: For me that would be John Mayer, I love his vibe and his music.
Shane: The Weeknd is a top notch for me, writing wise he is incredible.
Kyle: Chris Brown, love the style and love the music.
Jaxon: Harry Styles, love the solo stuff.
17. What makes The Fourth Kingdom completely separate from all of the previous and current boy bands out there?
Sebastian: We have our own sound & we have our point of view.
Jaxon: Beyond comparisons everybody is unique in what they do.
Kyle: Otherwise it would be impossible to create or to be an artist.
Shane: Love the other boy bands out there, they are all original and it is who they are and what they do. Like The Fourth King, we are also one of a kind.
18. What else do you have planned for the rest of this year?
Shane : Promoting our music.
Kyle: Presenting it to the fans.
Jaxon: Touring in the U.S.
Sebastian: Yes we want to reach as much people as possible, & of course release a lot of music along the way.
19. While you have been in the U.S. what about performing have you had the chance to do so as of yet?
Jaxon: As well as Nema's Boom Boom Room.
Sebastian: and SOB's we did as well.
Shane: Plus we have a tour coming at the end of September in the east & west coast, more info soon!
20. Anything else you want to add or say?
Jaxon: Yes! Thank you for having us!
Sebastian: Follow us on our socials, @thefourthkingdom.
Shane: Watch the Broken video HERE!
Kyle: You won't be disappointed.
Together: Thank you for this interview xxxx!
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