The horror/comedy short film is directed by Noah "Shark" Robertson, drummer for bands like Motograter, The Browning and founder of Zombie Shark Records and Swimming with Sharks Records. The film is slated to hit horror movie festivals in October of 2018. A DVD pre-order has been set up at, where purchasers will get their name in the credits, as well as receive a signed copy of the film. (Offer ends May 7th, 2018).

Robertson states, "I've always wanted to be involved in the entertainment industry in some way, outside of music. Making this short film was my intro into this realm. I’m obsessed with sharks and I've always loved the horror genre, especially Jaws and all the amazingly bad shark movies that followed. It's been my dream to be a part of the Sharksploitation lore for quite some time now. What an honor!"

Check out the official trailer HERE.

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