Rhett Repko - Thnx For The Ride

"Were You Ever Really Mine?" was the last time Rhett Repko crossed our paths. Since they have gone on to release a self-titled EP that included the that track, as well as all new material in the form of a new single titled "Thnx For The Ride".

Said single "Thnx For The Ride", takes what was "Were You Ever Really Mine?" on top of the self-titled EP works, in a continuation fashion of approach. In terms of sound and style, you get tossed with the effect of not just rock n' roll, but reggae, country, with pop as well. "Thnx For The Ride", brings forth more of a reggae type of feel with pop rock thrown in, toss them together it is how this track sounds.

It is as if they are going for the styling to that of Panic At the Disco! with their mix-match of genre creativity and use of music. That is how Rhett Repko really plays off to be in terms of style, quality and sound on this track. Their style being upbeat, paced, and overflowing with energy. It has a lot going for it really. The instrumentals working in the acoustic formula but then turned rock n' roll fast and quick, again giving off that reggae feel with added pop twist. It is one of those tracks to be heard upon the radio, that gives it an upbeat attraction to its sound waves.

In short, it plays off as a track you can clearly have fun with. It has that energy, beats, and can be made to enjoy. Entertaining is the best way to put it best. Just as their other material works, this one does the same thing, it just works in their favor hands down. Rhett Repko's style is creative and unique, drawing in the vocals and instruments together as one strong force of melodies and harmonies. It's how it sucks you into the melody of it all.

"Thnx For The Ride", has the ability to form much more creative hits, that stands above the modern times of today's music scene. As Rhett Repko is one to be not like the others, but purely original. Their style may lean towards an era of the past, more so maybe late 60's to 70's time frame but it is still rock music. They just stick to their own usage of how they create music. It's how they roll with the good old rock n' roll.

Rhett Repko is just a solid act to follow. They have some great releases under their belts already, that would set it up for much more greatness to come from their current material to future material for certain. Basically these guys are here to take back the scene with their creative flow of material that will woo and shake you. It is how rock music is suppose to be done and should be done. The right way, the fun way, the way of Rhett Repko, originality that is truly done right.

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