Cooper Phillip - Party By Myself

"Party By Myself" debuted in 2016 as the next single for Cooper Phillip. Before this single saw its debut release though, other singles from Cooper saw their time to shine, such as "Silence", Daybreaking" featuring Cooper Phillip as it was a collab with Sixth and College. In between those was an album titled "Home for Christmas" a holiday release of sorts. Then all of that would lead to "Party By Myself" with its original version released, followed by two more versions of remixed styles, one was done by the Trackdilla Remix and the other by MVZE Remix, both released in 2017 one year after the original version's release. But returning to that version simply titled "Party By Myself", brought on a lot of comments and remarks to it.

One of those commented saying "Amazing vocal and instrumental interludes. I can see myself night cruising, windows down, speakers all the way up and going too fast" was said by a YouTuber commenter named David Huang. While other YouTubers remarked and commented saying such as "This song is my jam", to "Great!" right down to "Love this song!" So is this track being said about so much, really that grand and great? Well as it just so happens it actually is just those things if not more so.

For Cooper Phillip, she is just not another up-and-coming artist, with a stunning voice, beautiful looks, and intense drive, she is one female that has been capturing the undivided attention of the eyes and ears of all around her, just by being herself. Literally this is now saying something, for someone just getting out there with a handful of releases already in her pocket. Cooper was always a small town girl with dreams like any other artist or band, wanted to make it big, or have those dreams be bigger than anyone could fully imagine possible. But first, any of that could even happen, she was born in Russia, to a family of classical musicians, her early years shaped by her grandmother and aunt, while her mother toured the world as a violinist with various symphonies of course.

Due to this separation which led Cooper to take comfort in music, at such an early age, she was simply mesmerized by the vocal styling's of other singers as artists and in bands. One of which was one called Ella Fitzgerald, she learned her songs with ease, noticing every detail of Ella's unique traits, that Cooper would sing her material herself flawlessly. At 12 she would go on to move in and live with her mother. Adjusting took time for the two of them, but after time her mom saw that her daughter had a gift and decided to help her expand and reach it ever so further. This would end up having Cooper getting enrolled in school's where she studied various courses, learning numerous instruments classical piano, theory, harp, jazz, blues, ballet, and voice. Her vocal teacher at the time would show her even other artists coming out at the time from there on out, as Cooper would be obsessed by the end of it. All of which leading her to release her own material, that would include where we are now with "Party By Myself".

So coming back to this track, it being such a talkative track already, with a vocalist to back it up, the track holds up rather well. It may sound a lot like other material out on the interweb and radio air waves currently, but that's what makes it so catching and unique. Cooper's style is original and has an upbeat reaction to it, causing this song to be easy listening and toned down to be so withdrawing. It's sound really brings to mind that one track "Walk Like An Egyptian". having an Egyptian vibe to it. It makes it more genuine than it already is really.

In terms of quality of voice, Cooper has got the voice on check, as it is stunning and beautiful as others have said about it. When heard within this track in particular, it is makes her voice pop and stand out more. It becomes more listenable with each play through honestly. A track worthy of partying down too.

That is what Cooper Phillips does with her music, she makes it fun and creative for all. As she keeps coming up with more uniqueness to her ability with music making, she will be a placemat for the music scene for sure, if not for certain.

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