Destroyer of Light's Steve Talks Some Bizarre Tales from the Road and Music

Doom, sludge, rockers, Destroyer of Light have released some albums, played some shows, and toured too. Guitarist/vocalist Steve Colca discusses their latest works, recent tour, and the plans for new music, shows, and touring to come around soon!

1. First of all, who are you, and what do you do in the band?

Steve: My name is Steve Colca and I play guitar/vocals in Destroyer of Light.

2. What did you do to prepare yourselves for that recent tour you partook in?

Steve: We practice two times a week and play out a couple local shows a month to stay tight and make sure the set list flows the way that we want it to. Also, we planned 4 months in advance to make sure everything would be together and taken care to be able to play almost every night.

3. How did the tour go for everyone both you guys and the rest of the bands that were a part of it?

Steve: We were the only band on the tour, but we played with some killer bands in some of the towns that we played in. So far, that tour treated us all very well, a lot of new people have been coming to the shows, and the responses were great! This was our second time to head out East, but our first time with Jeff on bass, so the sounds have been crushing!

4. What can someone expect from a Destroyer of Light show?

Steve: Loud amps, lots of feedback, lots of energy, and a good ol’ time!

5. How do you promote your band and shows?

Steve: We use social media such Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And then we try to hit up all the metal blogs and sites to help promote the tour. As well as, trying to hit up local radio stations and news sites. Also, it helps to have some PR support behind it as well.

6. What do you do to get ready for a show?

Steve: I usually have a couple of beers, a shot of whiskey, before heading out on the stage to get loose. It helps get that energy flowing through the body ya know?

7. How are the songs from "Bizarre Tales Vol. 2" going over live? Are you playing all of the album?

Steve: It’s been going really well. No, we are not playing all of the album, only playing “Battlefield Girth,” “Forbidden Zombi Ritual,” and “Obliterated By Cosmic Fire.” Those songs are shorter and notes long as the others. Plus, with the set we are playing, it flows much better.

8. Once this tour is over, what do you have planned afterwards and into next year?

Steve: Right now, we have plans to record a split and a full length. We are just now setting the goals. We plan to have the split out soon, and then a full length by the beginning of 2015. Full details will come soon.

9. What was it like playing this past year's Southwest Terror Fest, was it everything you expected a fest would be like?

Steve: Knowing Dave Rodgers and how hard the dude works, I knew this festival was going to rule. Especially, with a high caliber line-up of bands. The festival kicked ass, there was a lot of camaraderie, and support from all the other bands and the fans. Everything ran well and the staff kicked ass. I have nothing bad to say, but that it was an awesome time.

10. How long have you guys been playing and how did you meet?

Steve: About 3 and a half weeks. I had just moved to Austin from Michigan, and within two weeks found the drummer through Craigslist. With that, we found the guitarist and bassist from the drummer. And then, we found Jeff through the local music scene, and he was an honorary member before becoming a full-time member.

11. Why the name, what does it mean?

Steve: I came up with the name on my drive from Michigan to Austin, and it just popped in my head. It could mean a number of things, take the way that you want to take it.

12. What do you guys mainly sing about?

Steve: Horror stories, sci-fi, mythology. We like writing short fiction stories because that’s what we are into.

13. Most acts don’t like to be fit into a genre, but if you had to place your music in a CD shop, where would you put it?

Steve: I’d say doom/sludge rock.

14. Why did you want "Forbidden Zombi Ritual" to be made into a video and in this case a horror comic story fashion? Why did you want to spell the word "Zombie" with an "I" instead of an “E"?

Steve: Like I said, we’re into horror stories and also, the old horror comics are really cool looking and thought it’d be cool to do something like that. Zombie with an “I” comes from Haitian voodoo, and it is has to do more with casting a spell to wake the dead than the Zombies from Romero and such.

15. Are there any plans to release any more videos from the album and will they be a continuation of this one?

Steve: We actually worked on a new music video, which should be out soon. It isn't a continuation, but it should be just as creepy!

16, Does "Bizarre Tales Vol. 2" leave off of where the "Self-Titled" ended or is Vol. 2 a whole another tale to tell?

Steve: “Bizarre Tales Vol. 2” is completely different than what the tales were on the first. It's like the old short story horror books that use to come out when we were kids.

17. What are your expectations towards this album?

Steve: I feel it is a huge step above the first, we matured and had more time to focus on this album. Which in return, I feel like the response has been extremely positive.

18. What would you say are the bands biggest collective musical influences, and also individual ones that you feel can be heard in the record?

Steve: Collectively, we all love Black Sabbath, Electric Wizard, Weedeater, and Steely Dan. I mean, we all like a lot of the same music, but then some of us like death metal, but don’t like death metal, some of us like some avant-garde music, and some of us don’t. It just balances out to who we are.

19. Do you think there is an element of the band’s sound that you would like to push out further on the next batch of songs?  With so much going on in your sound, obviously there are elements that might get further explored?

Steve: We will probably make our next record somewhat more raw and heavy. Focus on the guitar and bass sounds to make it in your face. We’ll just see what comes out of it. So far, a few of the tracks are slow and heavy.

20. Are there any last words for fans, or potential new fans?

Steve: Thanks everyone that has come out to our shows thus far, and I hope to see more people out at our shows. Thanks again, for your support and we will see you soon!

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