RUINESS Chats of Singles And No Plans on Stopping!


Hard rockers RUINESS is a female fronted band, whose time together thus far, has lead them to chat with us about their formation, namesake, creative process with music, releases including their debut single "Your Friendly Neighborhood" as well as another single out soon! A lot else is planned for this year alone, with no plans on stopping them!


1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

We were looking for something feminine yet edgy as we are female fronted but also wanted the name to sell that we gravitate towards a heavier sound. We have been tossing around ideas for weeks. Our vocalist Ariana was looking for synonyms online to random words to see if any stuck when she stumbled upon "ruinous" and said it out loud at a band meeting. Our guitarist Greg then said "no, RUINESS" and it stuck since.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

For the most part, we all have gravitated towards hard rock/metal. Our vocalist Ariana's biggest inspiration with writing/singing has been Paramore. We wanted something with a similar catchiness to their first few albums but definitely heavier.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Our drummer Dylan has known everyone in the band the longest. He over time introduced us all together initially with the idea of a band that does tribute sets such as Paramore, Flyleaf and Halestorm. We since started dabbling in originals and the rest became history. We have been playing together for a few years now but RUINESS was only born in early 2024 with our first original show in June opening for Eyes Set to Kill.

4. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

We are from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania amongst an absolutely BEAUTIFUL music scene. Everyone is so supportive of each other in this community, it is really beautiful to see. There are SO many talented artists out here, it is hard to name them all. A few for certain would be Observe the 93rd (our drummer Dylan's other original band), Lives Lost, KVRMA, Defiant, Eternal Frequency, and Voidhidden (our guitarist Greg's other original band).

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

It is hard to speak for the other's, however I (Ariana) write as a means of an outlet. To put words to feelings in a hope that others looking for a release can find it in our music. I've written about betrayal, death, fear of settling down and night time depression to name a few.

6. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

At this current moment we have 2 songs released. (Ariana here again! :) )

Our latest single Afterlife Line was written about a friend of mine that passed away in early 2024. My fallen friend was VERY close to a lot of my best friends. Writing this song was a release to those feelings while respecting that those around me were grieving harder. This became my release and I feel that really shows in the bridge.

Your Friendly Neighborhood... is a hard one to explain. I was burned by someone and wanted to show my own growth of saying I'm done playing blind and see you for what you have been to me instead of the blinders I chose to wear before. People play games unfortunately. Accountability and growth is huge in my eyes but until someone reaches that point, I guess they get a song.

7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

Yes. The main writing is started between vocalist Ariana and guitar player Greg. I (Ariana) record me singing a melody and tapping a beat along with providing lyrics to Greg as I create and Greg brings them to life. Sometimes Greg will also send me something he created and I'll add melodies/lyrics accordingly. It honestly goes rather smooth and fast for us. Truly feels like we are a good fit as band mates. Once the foundation of the songs are set, Eric (bassist) and Dylan (drummer) take what we have so far and add their own flairs to it. I've joked before that Greg and I make the ice cream and Dylan and Eric add the toppings to turn it into a sundae.

8. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

So far we have our first single "Your Friendly Neighborhood..." available on all streaming platforms along with a music video on YouTube.We also have our second single "Afterlife Line" available on all platforms with a music video right around the corner.

9. Do you have any new music in the works?

Our next single "Settle Down" is almost ready for a release date! We so far have 6 originals ready for live shows with hopes of an album hopefully come summer time.

10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

We have a LOT planned this year including playing in 6 new states and our first festival in June! (Rock On The Hill in Hanover, PA)

11. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

We want to take this as far as this can go! We have NO PLANS of stopping and are having the time of our lives!

12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff? houses our merch and links to all of our singles/videos so far! We try our best to keep this up to date on shows as well! More to come SOON!

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