Faith In Nothing Talks of Debut Album, Insipiration, Song Process, and Show Playing!


Post hardcore band FAITH IN NOTHING has released their debut album "When It's Over", with an all new single expected out soon! The band has already started to do shows and tour, wanting to expand and grow, playing much more, releasing music, and doing it all again!


1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

The original name for the band was "Bloodsport" but that was both taken, and already a kung-fu movie, so the band decided to come up with something else, and after a lot of deliberation we landed on Faith in Nothing. I would say it was a timely choice, on the heels of COVID-19 I think it spoke to a general sense of disenfranchisement with the world we live in.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

I (Charlie) have played this kind of a style most of my life. I've always been into post hardcore and what I would refer to as "warped tour" bands. Austin brings a catchy pop-sensibility to it in his vocals that I think does a great job of connecting sometimes heavy subject matter to an audience that might normally miss what we're talking about. It's fun to play post hardcore music with catchy, accessible sections and see the broad audience it seems to appeal to. I really accredit that to how genuine of a human Austin is.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Ryan, Brett and Myself had known each other a long time. I had known Austin from him reaching out to record with me at my studio a few years prior, and I was always really impressed with his work ethic to write and record songs on his acoustic guitar. He wrote great tunes and had a great voice. He was really new to making music, and I felt like he could really flourish fronting a band and being around other musicians as opposed to staying solo.

4. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

We're based out of Fort Wayne, IN. We have an active music scene, we are in the hometown of Sweetwater, the online music store. There are a ton of talented musician in our small Midwestern city. A lot of the bands seemed to break up during COVID, but now that we're a few years removed there's been a lot of great new bands coming out of our scene. We're also in between Indianapolis, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, Detroit and other mid size cities, so it's a great home base to tour from.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Just life in general. The world around us is constantly changing at an ever increasing, anxiety inducing rate. We write about what we feel and we think everyone around us feels. We also write to process struggle and grief. We don't really limit ourselves on subject matter, we just want to share a genuine feeling or point of view.

6. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

We've got songs about how devices are listening to our every word, about breakups and relationship struggles, getting pissed off in traffic, and we've got some deeper more introspective songs as well, like "Decay" off of the new album.

7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

Yeah we write everything on our own. Usually a song starts with a basic framework that Ryan (Bass) and Charlie (Guitar) come up with. It will just be a demo with an intro/verse/chorus of guitar, bass and some MIDI drums that are intentionally as vanilla as possible. This gives us a starting point to bring to practice and allows everyone to show up with some ideas. It gets fun when Brett starts to play his own parts on the drums and we get to re imagine    the whole song with a human feel instead of the vanilla MIDI parts. This is when the songs start to take on an emotion and feel of their own. Parts will change and transform and structure gets worked out. Often Austin will have vocals written for the demo within a couple hours of us sending it to him. That's just how he is. Before he joined the band he used to go to parties and bonfires and play his acoustic guitar and write songs on the spot while people watched, and he got the nickname "song boy". He's seriously talented and quick with churning out great ideas. Once it's fleshed out we always make sure to play a song out live a few times and see how it goes over, and then we think about recording it. All our music is self-recorded. We track it and mix it in my studio and then send it off to Mike Kalajian for mastering. He's just the best there is!

8. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

We just released our first album "When It's Over". These songs were all from the original lineup of the band. About a year ago our drummer and lead guitar player quit at about the same time. We had just finished recording our seventh song for the record, so we decided to just finish the production and sit on it until we knew exactly where things were going next. Now that we're a four piece and we have Brett on drums we decided to release that material to turn the page on the first chapter of the band, and we've got a single ready to release here in a few weeks that's going to be the first of a handful of songs that are the new lineup, and kind of a new, darker and more aggressive sound.

9. Do you have any new music in the works?

Yes! Overdose is our next single that should be out in 6-8 weeks. We just got the master back, and now we're planning out a music video, artwork, perch, a whole big fun release for this track!

10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

We're starting to tour this year and we're going to take it a bite at a time. Coming in March were going to be playing around Indiana and Michigan, and we'll soon after plan runs to Ohio, Illinois and I guess we'll see where else!

11. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

We want to have all the fun we can playing our music to as many people as possible, so we want to get on tours and festivals all over to see the world and show them our songs!

12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Currently you can find our music on all streaming services, we've got music videos up on YouTube, and you can get your hands on some merch at our shows!

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